Win With English 写作语法班(4) 写作样本


Although Egyptians were renowned for their medicine and forpapyrus, other culture had impressive invention of their own.Around the time that paparus was first used in Egypty, themesopotamians were making pottery using the world's first potter'swheel. Not long after, horse-drawn chariates were being invented.As early as 1,000 years before Chirst, the Chinese people wereusing compasses because they don't want to lose their way. Theancient world, then, was filled with great inventions that,although they sound commonplace today, revolutionized life duringthose time. These inventions are history's first inkling ofscience.

After conquering Asia Minor, Alexander headed toward Persia. AtGordium, he found a huge knot, which was created by an old townhero, tieing an oxcart to a pole in the center of the town.Alexander decided to solve the Gordian Knot because whoever untiethe knot would be the king of Asia. Soon he had an answer. He cutthe knot in to two by his sword, and successfully solved thepuzzle. Alexander really conquered Persia and became Alexander theGreat.

Before the development of writing, people retain information intheir heads. But it is difficult to recall things and pass them onaccurately to a different person. Writing is a way of storinginformation and passing it to someone who lives in a differentplace or at different times. Writing is not invented by one personor one society. Instead, it had gradually evolved in differentplaces and times because people need to keep accounts or to recordevents. Writing takes many forms, from simple picture writing tofancy scripts. Writing is found on every kinds of materails, frompaper to pottery. Today, writing is an indispensible part of ourdaily life.

To call Sir Issac Newton brillian would be an understatement. Helay down three important laws of motion, which guide the science ofphysics. He also formulated the universal laws of gravitation. Inhis study of motion, he discovered that he needed to learn betterin mathematics. He developed a new mathematical field we now callcalculus, and it was an essential tool in science. He even showedus that the white light is really composed of many different colorsof light. In addition, he came up with a entirely different designfor telescope. Many historians said Sir Issac Newton was thegreatest scientist in the world.

Democritus,an ancient Greek, is one of history's first truescientists. Demoritus was wrong about many ideas, but he was rightwith two important ideas. The first idea is that all things aremade of atoms. The second is that atoms are in constant motion.Democritus was not well received in his time. Most of the scientitsdidn't accept his ideas. The idea of the existence of atoms didn'tgain much support in scientists in almost 2000 years! Scientistdon't always recognize a wonderful idea when they encounter one.The history of science is literally filled with instances ofscientists rejecting sound ideas in favor of bad ones.

Before writing was developed, people store information in theirhead. But it is difficult to pass the information to other peoplebecause they couldn't remember the information accurately. Writingwas not invented by one person or one society, which evolved fromthe need to keep accounts or to record things. Writing has manyforms, from weired picture to stylized scripts, and it was writtenon many different materials, from papoer to pottery. Now writing isan essential part of our lives.

Booklice are tiny insects which feed on mold. They crawl slowly onbookshelves looking for dead insect bodies. A booklouse is usuallyless than three millimeters long. But Don't just look for them,listen for them too. The female attracts a male by rubbing her bodyagainst a piece of paper or along another flat surface. So if youhear a very faint creaking noise in your library, you won't behearing things. The place is just "alive" with booklice!

Sherlock Holmes, a fictional character born in 1854, London,England, was a brillian detective in some of the most memorablestories ever written. We knew very few details about his familybecause they were hardly mentioned in the stories. He enjoyedclassical music and opera. He was attentive, intelligent, andalert. He was also superbly good at disguises, which he used whileinvestigating crimes.

The 16th and 17th centuries were the most exciting times in thehistory of science. The excitement began in 1543 when two workswere published. The first one was by Nicolaus Copernicus. His booklaid the idea about the earth, sun, planets and stars. Copernicusbelieved that Ptolemy's view of the universe was wrong. Rather thenplacing the earth in the center and believing that all the planetsrevolving around it, Copernicus put the sun in the center andassumed that all the planets travelling around the sun. This viewis called the heliocentric system, because helios, a Greek god, isthe god of the sun. It is also called the Copernicus system inhonor of Copernicus.



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