


题目:There are increasing numbers of student choose to study overseas in NZ, but some of them may facing some problems both in academic and daily life. What kind of problems do you do you consider that? Is there any solution of them? Or you can give your own opinions?


Study Abroad Problems and Solutions

In recent years, more and more students leave have left their countries to study abroad in NZ. When student going Being abroad, they may confront vastly different cultures norms, languages, and ways of life. There are three common study abroad problems of studying in NZ they may face, and solutions to help them out. get out of them alive.

Language barrier may be the most critical problem students will face on their trip abroad. They have studied English for more than 8 years, but they found once they step off the plane in NZ that they can’t 写的不够简洁,Despite a lengthy period of English learning, they still have difficulty in understanding what native speakers truly mean anyone around them. This is likely because they cannot understand of the lack of living in authentic English environment where idioms and slangs are widely used that native speakers are used to using. Maybe they could Thus, misunderstandings often take place, which leads to with local people and make unhappy unppleasant incidents., because the lack of English communication skill. The solution is that using their learned language skilled students should practice speaking and writing English as much as possible, and observe and learn what native speak say and write. practice English in oral or written they’ve studied every day. They are also advised to use may be able to use smartphone and translating apps like Google Translate on smartphones to communicate with native speakers. Even though these apps aren’t perfect, they’re probably it is better than nothing. In academic study, students may not understand what tutor is saying in the university and can’t finish their assignments very well in at the beginning. For this In order to solve this problem, they have to start adjusting to teaching and learning methods that may be unfamiliar to them and discuss the those confusing questions which confused them with professors once they have the time. frequently.

语言障碍: 无法理解当地人的习惯用语+交流不顺产生误解+无法完全听懂上课内容

解决方案:多练习+通过翻译软件工具+ 课后多问老师

Cultural misunderstandings are almost unavoidable no matter where you go. Foreigner Overseas students may meet be caught in some awkward moments and embarrassing slip-ups while they are getting used to new customs you may have never heard about before you entered NZ. Students may unknowingly unconsciously act in a way that may be normal to them, but offensive to the local people in New Zealand. It is very important to maintain a respectful and prudent attitude when interacting with locals. If students make one makes an honest mistake or upsets someone by accident, he or she would better apologize genuinely, and learn from that interaction so that the lesson to make sure that they don’t will not repeat the mistake later on it again in NZ. If students are unsure of what to do in a situation, they could watch observe what the locals around them are doing. Asking question related to local culture Learning from locals is a also always a good idea.


解决方案: 要尊重当地文化+犯错要道歉并避免下次再犯+学习当地人怎么做+多请教多学习

For many students who embark on a journey of studying abroad a study abroad trip, it’s their first time being so far from to get away from their closest friends and family, so crippling homesickness can become a huge mental stress problem. Students often feel so lonely, unhappy, unmotivated and unable to concentrate on study. Making long-distance phone calls with family or sending a letter to exchanging emails with parents can relief remove their depression. For example I felt very lonely last night and could not get to fell asleep, so I had a face time with my family. That’s what made me feel much better now. What’s more, building well relationships a good rapport with new friends also can enable you to get rid of homesickness desperation.



In conclusion, students who are studying abroad in NZ may face various problems (这种小的语法错误太多,希望谨慎一些). These problems challenge them their nerves every day, but I believe that students will become more mature and confidence confident after going through all of these hardships. overcoming all problems. Studying oversea in NZ will be an amazing and unforgettable experience in life.











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