Secular Retreat隐居住宅,英国 / 彼得·卒姆托

Appreciation towards Living Architecture for providing the following description:

由普利兹克获奖得主彼得·卒姆托为Living Architecture设计的、位于德文郡的“Secular Retreat”隐居住宅目前即将完工,它将成为卒姆托在英国的第一栋永久性建筑,同时也是由Living Architecture委托众多领先艺术家和建筑师在英格兰打造的一系列住宅建筑中的第七个作品。

Living Architecture is delighted to announce the near completion of Secular Retreat, Chivelstone, Devon, designed by Pritzker prize-winning architect Peter Zumthor. It will be the architect’s first permanent building in the UK, and marks the seventh commission in a visionary series of houses designed by leading artists and architects in distinctive, unique sites across England.

▼建筑外观,exterior ©Jack Hobhouse/Living Architecture


The house is situated on a South Devon hilltop, one mile from the coast above the small Hamlet of Chivelstone. The dramatic layered-concrete and glass design sits horizontally on the site, framing stunning views across the landscape in all directions. Hand- rammed concrete forms both the interior and exterior spaces, to give the building a mass and scale characteristic of Zumthor’s work.

▼山顶景观,view of the South Devon hilltop ©Jack Hobhouse/Living Architecture

▼由层积混凝土和玻璃打造的体量横卧在场地中,the dramatic layered-concrete and glass design sits horizontally on the site ©Jack Hobhouse/Living Architecture

▼景观和花园成为了设计的核心,the landscape and garden are central to the concept of the house ©Jack Hobhouse/Living Architecture

彼得·卒姆托在这座建筑中延续了他对于建筑的思考以及对于永恒性的创造。“Secular Retreat”所在的位置原先坐落着一栋1940年代的废弃木屋,与之相连的是一块被混凝土墙围合的六边形场地,种植在场地中的蒙特利松树如今已有20米高,为住宅带来荫蔽。在该项目中,景观和花园成为了设计的核心。卒姆托与南德文郡的Rathbone Partnership合作设计了花园,并在其中种植了大约5000棵当地品种的树木和灌木。平台和花园小径以粗糙的萨默塞特蓝里亚斯石材铺设。

With Secular Retreat, Peter Zumthor continues his tradition of creating thoughtful and timeless architecture. The house sits in the place of a ruined timber house constructed in the 1940’s. Links to the original site remain, with a small hexagonal shaped walled area made out of layers of concrete block, and the now 20-metre-tall Monterey Pine trees planted to shield the original house. In character with Zumthor’s approach, the landscape and garden are central to the concept of the house. The garden is designed with the South Devon based Rathbone Partnership and comprises the planting of some 5,000 local species of trees and shrubs. Terraces and pathways are made of rough-hewn Somerset Blue Lias stone, set on edge.

▼种植在场地中的蒙特利松树为住宅带来荫蔽,the Secular Retreat is sheltered by a series of Monterey Pine trees ©Jack Hobhouse/Living Architecture

▼夜景,night view ©Jack Hobhouse/Living Architecture


Zumthor is renowned for his craftsmanship and expertise in the use of materials, which give his buildings an eternal quality. Creating and maintaining the consistency of concrete to produce the hand-rammed walls, and the engineering of both structure and integration of services throughout the main concrete frame, was delivered by a dedicated group of UK architects, consultants and contractors, who have come together with Zumthor’s team to produce this exemplary building. The house will accommodate up to ten people in five bedrooms and is formed of two separate bedroom wings which lead from the large central open-plan living space. The design and construction required a series of exacting processes to be undertaken, from the careful placing amongst the existing trees, the orientation on the site to make the best of the views and natural light, to the creation of new gardens and outside areas.

▼从花园望向卧室所在的侧翼,the bedroom wing seen from the garden ©Jack Hobhouse/Living Architecture

在建筑内部,混凝土墙壁的条带状肌理与石材地板形成对比。每块混凝土板都被切割为不同的尺寸和形状,展现出萨默塞特石材天然而粗犷的质地。卧室的形式十分简单,犹如直接从混凝土的体块中开凿出来,地板以梨木铺设,占满整个卧室宽度的落地窗带来花园和附近山谷的景色。与卧室配套的浴室延续了同样的设计语言,以石材和手工混凝土为主要材料。精心设计和制作的门、嵌入式置物架、衣橱和厨房家具等均以苹果木和樱桃木打造,与混凝土墙面形成温暖且具有深度的对比。住宅内的沙发、椅子、桌子和灯具全都是由卒姆托亲自设计,充分展现出他本人对Secular Retreat这一作品的用心与专注。

▼室内餐厅,透过玻璃界面可以看到一览无余的山景,the interior dining space with an uninterrupted mountain views

▼室内起居室,室内采用条带状肌理的混凝土墙壁,the interior living room with the continuous ribbons of layered-concrete

▼室内空间,嵌入式置物架以苹果木和樱桃木打造,与混凝土墙面形成温暖且具有深度的对比,interior view,  inset shelves made from apple and cherry woods bring a warmth and depth of contrast to the handmade concrete walls

Internally, the continuous ribbons of layered-concrete are set against stone floors, each slab cut to a different size and shape reflecting the raw material sourced directly from a Somerset quarry. Bedrooms are simple in form – a large carved niche within the concrete fabric, timber Pearwood floors leading to full height and width windows, allowing views onto the gardens and the surrounding valleys. Ensuite bathrooms continue this theme, with a combination of stone and rammed concrete. Throughout, the carefully crafted joinery of doors, inset shelves, wardrobes and kitchen furniture, all made from apple and cherry woods, bring a warmth and depth of contrast to the handmade concrete walls. With sofas, chairs, tables and lights all designed by Zumthor, Secular Retreat is the realisation of his long-held vision for this Devon hillside.

▼浴室,以石材和手工混凝土为主要材料,the bathroom with a combination of stone and rammed concrete

▼室内空间,木制家具与混凝土墙面形成温暖且具有深度的对比,interior view, the furniture made from woods brings a warmth and depth of contrast to the handmade concrete walls ©Jack Hobhouse/Living Architecture

Peter Zumthor, Rainer Weitschies, Project Architect, Duarte Brito, Pascal Berchtold, Tom Tsapkov, Anna Page
alongside many more of the in-house team
Architect: Atelier Peter Zumthor
Executive Architect (phase 1): Mole Architects
Local architectural advisor (concept phase): David Sheppard Architects → Landscape Design and Consultant:
The Rathbone Partnership → Construction management:
Simon Cannon Ltd → Concrete frame
Woodmace Concrete Structures Ltd → Structural Engineer:
Jane Wernick Associates → Quantity Surveyor:
KM Dimensions
Environmental Design Engineers:
Transsolar and Integration UK
Photo credir: ©Jack Hobhouse/Living Architecture

