Sto Panel Technology is a national and international program designed to transform the construction industry through partnerships forged between leading contractors & fabricators and Sto Corp. – the world’s number one manufacturer of exterior wall systems.
Our affiliates are independently owned and operated companies in every major construction market. By creating a branded, tested, proven and warranted prefabricated wall panel, Sto Panel Technology offers project owners, architects, GC’s/CM’s and design consultants a recognizable, high-quality standard for the exteriors of their buildings.
StoPanel wall assemblies combine the latest technology and proven products to deliver the most energy efficient, architecturally versatile exterior in the construction industry today, employing a process that saves time, adds value and improves quality.
By specifying a single, versatile panel with the option of utilizing virtually any desired finish — from brick and natural stone to the most modern, light-weight energy-efficient coating systems — owners and designers now have the freedom to choose the look they prefer while meeting the schedule and performance requirements the GC/CM desires at a price every owner will find attractive.

StoPanel systems provide a systemized approach to panelized construction offering many benefits over traditional pre-cast panels, including speed, value and superior performance. All panels are lightweight, energy efficient, durable and are available in a wide variety of aesthetic options. StoPanel systems are the preferred choice for new construction and renovation projects.
StoPanel systems提供了一种系统化的方法来进行镶板施工,与传统的预浇铸镶板相比,它具有许多优点,包括速度、价值和卓越的性能。所有面板都是轻质的,节能的,耐用的,并且有各种各样的美学选择。StoPanel系统是新建和改造工程的首选。

1. Description: lightweight energy efficient pre-fabricated exterior wall panel with continuous insulation, continuous air barrier, and integral decorative and protective finish options
2. Building Code Compliance: meets requirements of NFPA 285 and NFPA 268 for use
on noncombustible construction (Types I-IV). Refer to ICC ESR 1748.
IBC 2009, 2012 and 2015
Chapter 7: Fire Resistance Rated Construction
Chapter 14: Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems,
Weather Resistance
Chapter 16: Structural - Transverse Wind Load
Chapter 17: Special Inspections, Types I-IV
(noncombustible) Construction
Chapter 26: Types I-IV (noncombustible)
Construction, Ignition Resistance, Surface Burning
IECC 2009, 2012 and 2015
Chapter 4: Continuous Insulation (ci) over Metal
Frame Walls - All Climate Zones (with sufficient ci
Chapter 4: Continuous Air Barrier
IGCC 2012
Chapter 6: Energy Conservation, Efficiency and
Atmospheric Quality (Section 606: Building Thermal
Envelope insulation and Air Sealing)
Alternative Compliance Path: ASHRAE 189.1-2009
3. Energy Standards Compliance
ASHRAE 90.1 - 2007, 2010 and 2013
Section 5: Building Envelope Continuous Insulation(ci) over Metal Frame Walls - All Climate Zones(with sufficient ci thickness)
Section 5: Continuous Air Barrier
4. Green Building Standards Compliance
ASHRAE 189.1 - 2009
Normative Appendix A: Building Envelope Continuous Insulation (ci) over Metal Frame Walls -All Climate Zones (with sufficient ci thickness)
Normative Appendix B: Continuous Air Barrier
5. LEED Eligibility
Eligible contribution towards credits in the
following NC (New Construction) categories:
Energy and Atmosphere (EA)
Materials and Resources (MR)
Innovation in Design (ID)

1. Description: lightweight energy efficient pre-fabricated exterior wall panel with continuous insulation, continuous air barrier, and integral decorative and protective finish options
2. Building Code Compliance: meets requirements of NFPA 285 and NFPA 268 for use
on noncombustible construction (Types I-IV). Refer to ICC ESR 1748.
IBC 2009, 2012 and 2015
Chapter 7: Fire Resistance Rated Construction
Chapter 14: Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems,
Weather Resistance
Chapter 16: Structural - Transverse Wind Load
Chapter 17: Special Inspections, Types I-IV(noncombustible) Construction
Chapter 26: Types I-IV (noncombustible)Construction, Ignition Resistance, Surface Burning
IECC 2009, 2012 and 2015
Chapter 4: Continuous Insulation (ci) over Metal Frame Walls - All Climate Zones (with sufficient ci thickness)
Chapter 4: Continuous Air Barrier
IGCC 2012
Chapter 6: Energy Conservation, Efficiency and Atmospheric Quality (Section 606: Building Thermal Envelope insulation and Air Sealing)
Alternative Compliance Path: ASHRAE 189.1-2009
3. Energy Standards Compliance
ASHRAE 90.1 - 2007, 2010 and 2013
Section 5: Building Envelope Continuous Insulation(ci) over Metal Frame Walls - All Climate Zones(with sufficient ci thickness)
Section 5: Continuous Air Barrier
4. Green Building Standards Compliance
ASHRAE 189.1 - 2009
Normative Appendix A: Building Envelope Continuous Insulation (ci) over Metal Frame Walls -All Climate Zones (with sufficient ci thickness)
Normative Appendix B: Continuous Air Barrier
5. LEED Eligibility
Eligible contribution towards credits in the following NC (New Construction) categories:
Energy and Atmosphere (EA)
Materials and Resources (MR)
Innovation in Design (ID)

The StoPanel Swisspearl system uniquely combines the convenience and cost-effectiveness of offsite panel manufacturing with the look and feel of an innovative modern aesthetic. Discover the inspiring freedom of creative possibilities offered by the wide range of colors, finishes, custom engravings and sun shading elements. With Swisspearl the design solutions are unlimited.
StoPanel Swisspearl系统将现场外面板制造的便利性和成本效益与创新的现代美学的外观和感觉独特地结合在一起。探索由广泛的颜色、饰面、定制雕刻和遮阳元素提供的鼓舞人心的自由创作可能性。与Swisspearl的设计解决方案是无限的。
Architecturally Inspiring and Sustainable Combine functionality with innovative design Design flexibility, offering a variety of sizes and colors ASTM E136 compliant: StoPanel Swisspearl is non-combustible Minimal construction waste due to sustainable StoPanel pre-fabrication technology Durable and Easy to Maintain Virtually maintenance free; ventilation space prevents condensation and mildew Swisspearl facades provide extended resistance to weathering for outstanding long-term performance Rainscreen design allows unhampered thermal expansion and contraction, effectively controlling thermal stresses Manufactured to the Highest Industry Standards Speed, value and quality derived from off-site production of wall assembly Produced by experienced StoPanel affiliates located throughout the U.S., Canada and South America Meets various building code requirements for continuous insulation (ci) and air and moisture barriers Panels are light weight, reducing loads impacting overall structure
建筑灵感和可持续结合功能与创新的设计灵活性,提供各种尺寸和颜色的ASTM E136兼容:StoPanel Swisspearl是不燃的最小建筑废物,由于可持续StoPanel预制技术耐用和易于维护,几乎免费维护;通风空间防止冷凝和霉菌Swisspearl外墙为杰出的长期提供扩展的抗风化性能Rainscreen设计允许不受阻碍的热膨胀和收缩,有效地控制热应力最高行业标准生产速度、价值和质量来源于非现场生产墙组装由经验丰富的StoPanel子公司遍布美国,加拿大和南美满足各种建筑规范对连续保温(ci)的要求,空气和水分屏障面板重量轻,减少了对整体结构的影响
ATTENTION Sto products are intended for use by qualified professional contractors, not consumers, as a component of a larger construction assembly as specified by a qualified design professional, general contractor or builder. They should be installed in accordance with those specifications and Sto s instructions. Sto Corp. disclaims all, and assumes no, liability for on-site inspections, for its products applied improperly, or by unqualified persons or entities, or as part of an improperly designed or constructed building, for the nonperformance of adjacent building components or assemblies, or for other construction activities beyond Sto s control. Improper use of Sto products or use as part of an improperly designed or constructed larger assembly or building may result in serious damage to this product, and to the structure of the building or its components.
产品是供合格的专业承包商使用的,而不是供消费者使用的,作为合格的设计专业人员、总承包商或建筑商指定的大型建筑组装件的组成部分。应按照上述规格和Sto s说明进行安装。STO放弃所有,不承担任何责任现场检查,对其产品应用不当,或不合格的个人或实体,或作为不当的一部分设计或建造建筑,相邻建筑物组件或组件的不履行,或其他建筑活动超出国标控制。不当使用Sto的产品,或作为设计或建造不当的较大的集合或建筑物的一部分使用,可能会对该产品、建筑物或其部件的结构造成严重损害。