政观快递 | British Journal of Political Science, No.1, 2020 (上)

期刊简介:《英国政治学杂志》(British Journal of Political Science,BJPS)是一本内容广泛的杂志,涵盖了政治科学的所有领域(包括政治理论、政治行为、公共政策和国际关系),并且相关学科(社会学、社会理学、经济学和哲学)学者的文章也经常出现。根据2018年Journal Citation Report显示,其2018年的影响因子为4.292, 在176种政治科学类期刊中排名第4(4/176)。




Gender, Incumbency and Party List Nominations


The Strategic Origins of Electoral Authoritarianism


Dominant Party Rule, Elections, and Cabinet Instability in African Autocracies


How Do People Evaluate Foreign Aid To ‘Nasty’ Regimes?


Reciprocity and Public Opposition to Foreign Direct Investment


Uncovering High-Level Corruption: Cross-National Objective Corruption Risk Indicators Using Public Procurement Data


Risky Business? Welfare State Reforms and Government Support in Britain and Denmark


题目:Gender, Incumbency and Party List Nominations

作者:Stephen A. Meserve,北亚利桑那大学政治与国际关系学系助理教授;Dan Pemstein,北达科他州立大学政治学系副教授;William T Bernhard,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校政治学系教授


This study assesses how political parties’ candidate selection strategies influence women’s descriptive parliamentary representation. Focusing on proportional elections, it explores what determines whether parties place women in viable list positions. Evaluating party rankings at the individual level, it directly examines a mechanism – party nomination – central to prevailing explanations of empirical patterns in women’s representation. Moreover, it jointly evaluates how incumbency and gender affect nomination. This study uses European Parliament elections to compare a plethora of parties, operating under numerous institutions, in the context of a single legislature. It finds that gender differences in candidate selection are largely explained by incumbency bias, although party ideology and female labor force participation help explain which parties prioritize the placement of novice women.


题目:The Strategic Origins of Electoral Authoritarianism

作者:Michael K. Miller, 华盛顿大学政治学系副教授


Why do autocrats hold multiparty elections? This article argues that transitions to electoral authoritarianism (EA) follow a strategic calculus in which autocrats balance international incentives to adopt elections against the costs and risks of controlling them. It tests this hypothesis with a multinomial logit model that simultaneously predicts transitions to EA and democracy, using a sample of non-electoral autocracies from 1946–2010. It finds that pro-democratic international leverage – captured by dependence on democracies through trade ties, military alliances, international governmental organizations and aid – predicts EA adoption. Socio-economic factors that make voters easier to control, such as low average income and high inequality, also predict EA transition. In contrast, since democratization entails a loss of power for autocrats, it is mainly predicted by regime weakness rather than international engagement or socio-economic factors. The results demonstrate that different forms of liberalization follow distinct logics, providing insight into autocratic regime dynamics and democracy promotion’s unintended effects.


题目:Dominant Party Rule, Elections, and Cabinet Instability in African Autocracies

作者:Alex M. Kroeger,加州大学默塞德分校政治学系教授


This article draws on the authoritarian institutions literature to explain the role of dominant parties in constraining the ability of autocrats to reshuffle cabinet ministers. Dominant party leaders are constrained in their ability to frequently reshuffle ministers by the need to maintain credible power-sharing commitments with party elites. These constraints also produce distinct temporal patterns of instability where large reshuffles occur following elections. Conversely, personalist leaders face fewer power-sharing constraints and engage in more extensive cabinet reshuffles at more arbitrary intervals. Military leaders face complex constraints that depend on whether officers or civilians occupy cabinet posts and the extent to which leaders are dependent upon civilian ministers for regime performance and popular support. Empirical analyses using data on the cabinets of ninety-four authoritarian leaders from thirty-seven African countries between 1976 and 2010 support the theoretical expectations for dominant party and personalist leaders, but are inconclusive for military leaders.


题目:How Do People Evaluate Foreign Aid To ‘Nasty’ Regimes?

作者:Tobias Heinrich,南加州大学政治学系助理教授;Yoshiharu Kobayashi,利兹大学政治与国际研究学院讲师


Recent theories of foreign aid assume that moral motives drive voters’ preferences about foreign aid. However, little is known about how moral concerns interact with the widely accepted instrumental goals that aid serves. Moreover, what effects does this interplay have on preferences over policy actions? This article assesses these questions using a survey experiment in which respondents evaluate foreign aid policies toward nasty recipient regimes (those that violate human rights, rig elections, crack down on media, etc.). The results indicate that the public does have a strong aversion to providing aid to nasty recipient regimes, but that it also appreciates the instrumental benefits that aid helps acquire. Contrary to a mainstay assertion in the literature, the study finds that moral aversion can largely be reversed if the donor government engages more with the nasty country. These findings call into question the micro-foundations of recent theories of foreign aid, and produce several implications for the aid literature.


题目:Reciprocity and Public Opposition to Foreign Direct Investment

作者:Adam S. Chilton, Helen V. Milner,芝加哥大学法学院研究员;普林斯顿大学政治与国际事务学院B.C. Forbes讲席教授;Dustin Tingley,哈佛大学政府系教授


Prior international political economy public opinion research has primarily examined how economic and socio-cultural factors shape individuals’ views on the flows of goods, people and capital. This research has largely ignored whether individuals also care about rewarding or punishing foreign countries for their policies on these issues. We tested this possibility by administering a series of conjoint and traditional survey experiments in the United States and China that examined how reciprocity influences opposition to foreign acquisitions of domestic companies. We find that reciprocity is an important determinant of public opinion on the regulation of foreign investments. This suggests the need to consider the policies that other countries adopt when trying to explain public attitudes toward global economic integration.


题目:Uncovering High-Level Corruption: Cross-National Objective Corruption Risk Indicators Using Public Procurement Data

作者:Mihály Fazekas,中欧大学公共政策学院助理教授;Gábor Kocsis,政府透明研究所研究人员


Measuring high-level corruption is subject to extensive scholarly and policy interest, which has achieved moderate progress in the last decade. This article develops two objective proxy measures of high-level corruption in public procurement: single bidding in competitive markets and a composite score of tendering ‘red flags’. Using official government data on 2.8 million contracts in twenty-eight European countries in 2009–14, we directly operationalize a common definition of corruption: unjustified restriction of access to public contracts to favour a selected bidder. Corruption indicators are calculated at the contract level, but produce aggregate indices consistent with well-established country-level indicators, and are also validated by micro-level tests. Data are published at http://digiwhist.eu/resources/data/.


题目:Risky Business? Welfare State Reforms and Government Support in Britain and Denmark

作者:Seonghui Lee,埃塞克斯大学比较政治系助理教授;Carsten Jensen,奥胡斯大学政治学系教授;Christoph Arndt,雷丁大学比较政治系讲师;Georg Wenzelburger,凯撒斯劳滕工业大学教授


Are welfare state reforms electorally dangerous for governments? Political scientists have only recently begun to study this seemingly simple question, and existing work still suffers from two shortcomings. First, it has never tested the reform–vote link with data on actual legislative decisions for enough points in time to allow robust statistical tests. Secondly, it has failed to take into account the many expansionary reforms that have occurred in recent decades. Expansions often happen in the same years as cutbacks. By focusing only on cutbacks, estimates of the effects of reforms on government popularity become biased. This article addresses both shortcomings. The results show that voters punish governments for cutbacks, but also reward them for expansions, making so-called compensation, a viable blame-avoidance strategy. The study also finds that the size of punishments and rewards is roughly the same, suggesting that voters’ well-documented negativity bias does not directly translate into electoral behavior.

编译/审校:康张城、施榕、吴温泉、杨端程、殷昊、赵德昊  编辑:郭静远



