

  • 两帧图像中特征点的寻找与匹配;

  • 两帧图像所对应的相机位姿变化的求解,包括2d-2d、3d-2d、3d-3d三种求解模式。


void find_feature_matches (
   const Mat& img_1, const Mat& img_2,
   std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints_1,
   std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints_2,
   std::vector< DMatch >& matches );

void pose_estimation_2d2d (
   const std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints_1,
   const std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints_2,
   const std::vector< DMatch >& matches,
   Mat& R, Mat& t );

void triangulation (
   const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoint_1,
   const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoint_2,
   const std::vector< DMatch >& matches,
   const Mat& R, const Mat& t,
   vector<Point3d>& points

// 像素坐标转相机归一化坐标
Point2f pixel2cam( const Point2d& p, const Mat& K );


int main ( int argc, char** argv )
   if ( argc != 3 )
       cout<<"usage: triangulation img1 img2"<<endl;
       return 1;
   //-- 读取图像
   Mat img_1 = imread ( argv[1], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );
   Mat img_2 = imread ( argv[2], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );

vector<KeyPoint> keypoints_1, keypoints_2;
   vector<DMatch> matches;
   find_feature_matches ( img_1, img_2, keypoints_1, keypoints_2, matches );
   cout<<"一共找到了"<<matches.size() <<"组匹配点"<<endl;

//-- 估计两张图像间运动
   Mat R,t;
   pose_estimation_2d2d ( keypoints_1, keypoints_2, matches, R, t );

//-- 三角化
   vector<Point3d> points;
   triangulation( keypoints_1, keypoints_2, matches, R, t, points );
   //-- 验证三角化点与特征点的重投影关系
   Mat K = ( Mat_<double> ( 3,3 ) << 520.9, 0, 325.1, 0, 521.0, 249.7, 0, 0, 1 );
   for ( int i=0; i<matches.size(); i++ )
       Point2d pt1_cam = pixel2cam( keypoints_1[ matches[i].queryIdx ].pt, K );
       Point2d pt1_cam_3d(
       cout<<"point in the first camera frame: "<<pt1_cam<<endl;
       cout<<"point projected from 3D "<<pt1_cam_3d<<", d="<<points[i].z<<endl;
       // 第二个图
       Point2f pt2_cam = pixel2cam( keypoints_2[ matches[i].trainIdx ].pt, K );
       Mat pt2_trans = R*( Mat_<double>(3,1) << points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z ) + t;
       pt2_trans /= pt2_trans.at<double>(2,0);
       cout<<"point in the second camera frame: "<<pt2_cam<<endl;
       cout<<"point reprojected from second frame: "<<pt2_trans.t()<<endl;
   return 0;


//-- 验证三角化点与特征点的重投影关系
   Mat K = ( Mat_<double> ( 3,3 ) << 520.9, 0, 325.1, 0, 521.0, 249.7, 0, 0, 1 );
   for ( int i=0; i<matches.size(); i++ )
       Point2d pt1_cam = pixel2cam( keypoints_1[ matches[i].queryIdx ].pt, K );
       Point2d pt1_cam_3d(
       cout<<"point in the first camera frame: "<<pt1_cam<<endl;
       cout<<"point projected from 3D "<<pt1_cam_3d<<", d="<<points[i].z<<endl;
       // 第二个图
       Point2f pt2_cam = pixel2cam( keypoints_2[ matches[i].trainIdx ].pt, K );
       Mat pt2_trans = R*( Mat_<double>(3,1) << points[i].x, points[i].y, points[i].z ) + t;
       pt2_trans /= pt2_trans.at<double>(2,0);
       cout<<"point in the second camera frame: "<<pt2_cam<<endl;
       cout<<"point reprojected from second frame: "<<pt2_trans.t()<<endl;


  • 前一帧图像,先将特征点的2d坐标投影到归一化平面坐标,再将三角化得到的3d坐标除以其深度信息来计算其归一化坐标(这里可以看出来三角化处理得到的3d坐标是位于前一帧相机坐标系下的),并进行对比;

  • 后一帧图像,同样是先将特征点的2d坐标投影到归一化平面坐标,再将前一帧相机坐标系下的3d点进行R、t位姿变换,计算出特征点在当前帧相机坐标系下的坐标,再除以其深度值来计算归一化坐标,进而进行比较。(79对特征点对共比较了79次,在结果展示时我会截取一部分。)


void triangulation (
   const vector< KeyPoint >& keypoint_1,
   const vector< KeyPoint >& keypoint_2,
   const std::vector< DMatch >& matches,
   const Mat& R, const Mat& t,
   vector< Point3d >& points )
   Mat T1 = (Mat_<float> (3,4) <<
   Mat T2 = (Mat_<float> (3,4) <<
       R.at<double>(0,0), R.at<double>(0,1), R.at<double>(0,2), t.at<double>(0,0),
       R.at<double>(1,0), R.at<double>(1,1), R.at<double>(1,2), t.at<double>(1,0),
       R.at<double>(2,0), R.at<double>(2,1), R.at<double>(2,2), t.at<double>(2,0)
   Mat K = ( Mat_<double> ( 3,3 ) << 520.9, 0, 325.1, 0, 521.0, 249.7, 0, 0, 1 );
   vector<Point2f> pts_1, pts_2;
   for ( DMatch m:matches )
       // 将像素坐标转换至相机坐标
       pts_1.push_back ( pixel2cam( keypoint_1[m.queryIdx].pt, K) );
       pts_2.push_back ( pixel2cam( keypoint_2[m.trainIdx].pt, K) );
   Mat pts_4d;
   cv::triangulatePoints( T1, T2, pts_1, pts_2, pts_4d );
   // 转换成非齐次坐标
   for ( int i=0; i<pts_4d.cols; i++ )
       Mat x = pts_4d.col(i);
       x /= x.at<float>(3,0); // 归一化
       Point3d p (
       points.push_back( p );

首先,将平移矩阵t放到旋转矩阵R右侧,增广成3×4的变换矩阵,这里这个变换矩阵更具体来讲为projection matrix(投影矩阵);进而使用pixel2cam将两组2d特征点的像素坐标转化成归一化平面坐标;最后,调用OpenCV提供的三角化处理函数triangulatePoints:

Mat pts_4d;
cv::triangulatePoints( T1, T2, pts_1, pts_2, pts_4d );


void triangulatePoints(
  InputArray projMatr1,
  InputArray projMatr2,
  InputArray projPoints1,
  InputArray projPoints2,
  OutputArray points4D


for ( int i=0; i<pts_4d.cols; i++ )
       Mat x = pts_4d.col(i);
       x /= x.at<float>(3,0); // 归一化
       Point3d p (
       points.push_back( p );





