The Raconteurs《Steady, as She Goes》



Everyday music



——Jack White

名: 《Steady, as She Goes》

歌者 The Raconteurs

词曲Brendan Benson & Jack White




[Verse 1]

Find yourself a girl and settle down

Live a simple life in a quiet town


Steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)

Steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)

So steady as she goes

[Verse 2]

Your friends have shown a kink in the single life

You've had too much to think, now you need a wife


Steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)

So steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)


Well here we go again

You've found yourself a friend that knows you well

But no matter what you do

You'll always feel as though you tripped and fell


So steady as she goes

[Verse 3]

When you have completed what you thought you had to do

And your blood's depleted to the point of stable glue

Then you'll get along

Then you'll get along


Steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)

So steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)


Well here we go again

You've found yourself a friend that knows you well

But no matter what you do

You'll always feel as though you tripped and fell


So steady as she goes

Steady as she goes


Settle for a world, neither up or down

(Settle for a world, neither up or down)

Sell it to the crowd that has gathered 'round

(Sell it to the crowd that has gathered 'round)

Settle for a girl, neither up or down

(Settle for a girl, neither up or down)

Sell it to the crowd that has gathered 'round

(Sell it to the crowd that has gathered 'round)


So steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)

Steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)

Steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)

So steady as she goes (Steady as she goes)


Steady as she goes, are you steady now?

Steady as she goes, are you steady now?

Steady as she goes, are you steady now?

Steady as she goes, are you steady now?

Steady as she goes



今天分享一首The Raconteurs 的《Steady, as She Goes》。

今天换种感觉的音乐,这首歌来自The Raconteurs 乐队2006年的专辑《Broken Boy Soldiers》,这首歌是专辑的主打歌。这张专辑获得了第49届格莱美奖最佳摇滚专辑提名,也让他们组合获得了“最佳摇滚组合”的提名。这首歌在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上保持了20周的位置,在2006年9月23日达到了第54位的顶峰。它在英国和加拿大都取得了前十名的成功,分别位列第四和第三名。

这首歌最初的灵感来自主唱兼吉他手Brendan。有趣的是,正是因为这首歌让The Raconteurs这个乐队成立的。因为其他人发现这首歌和这个想法非常好,就直接一拍即合组成一个乐队。另一个主唱兼吉他手Jack White在采访中说:“Brendan跟我说'我有一首歌需要一些歌词。’我听了一遍,就是这首歌的音乐。所以我为它写了歌词,我们录了下来,尽管在那个时候它听起来更像雷鬼。我们真的很喜欢这首歌,一直在演奏,所以我们说,也许是时候组建我们一直谈论的乐队了。所以这首歌真的是我们成立的原因。”

歌词的故事是用第二人称来讲述的,描述了一个男人被朋友们强迫结婚的事情。因为他们认为这是衡量人生成功和幸福的标准。用第二人称的表述大概是为了警示有同样经历的人,提醒他们选择要谨慎。歌词创作者Jack White说,这首歌是他在结婚前的一年写的,当时他在考虑,是该安定下来结婚生子,还是该放弃这个想法。

这首歌有个很棒的前奏,这个前奏经常被拿来与Joe Jackson的《Is She Really Going Out With Him?》歌曲做比较。简单看下歌手资料。

The Raconteurs是来自密歇根州底特律的美国摇滚乐队,由主唱、吉他手Jack White,主唱,吉他手Brendan Benson、贝斯手Jack Lawrence和鼓手Patrick Keeler组成。Lawrence和Keeler最初是Greenhornes乐队的成员,而White和Lawrence是Dead Weather乐队的成员。乐队于2005 年在底特律聚集在一起,并在当年剩余时间进行录制。由于各个成员在其他乐队中的成功,他们很快被称为超级组合。但他们否认了这点,他们说这只是由老朋友组成的新组合。

