01 五大主题的旅游胜地
Studio T-Square工作室为这个非常特殊文旅项目的设计灵感始于对当地岭南传统的探索,重点是竹子文化和武术,不屈昂然,四季青翠,象征着源源不断的生命力与丰富内涵。这些丰富的文化元素成为竹海五大主题的基础——自然、健康、文化、娱乐、烹饪艺术和武术。项目以自然、文化、養生、娱乐与美食 等生活内涵 , 融合禅、道、仙、侠 四大主题,发展出多样丰富的旅游体验与业态,打造一个集旅游休闲、文化体验、乐活养生、拓展科普、美食购物、娱乐演艺、户外探索与度假住宿的综合性旅游胜地。
Studio T-Square’s design approach for thisvery special tourist center began with a careful study of local Lingnantraditions focusing on bamboo culture and martial arts. These rich culturalelements became the basis for Bamboo Sea’s five programmatic themes – nature,wellness, culture, entertainment, and culinary art, and martial arts.
02 以河成街的水镇风情
竹海古镇为旅游区的核心区。依山傍水,最大化的利用景观资源,规划八大主题区,提供游客古镇风情与自然美景的双重体验。古镇主街区以”竹境古街”为主干,曲折有致,视觉焦点突出地标建筑,创造出一步一景,处处惊喜的游客体验。水系巧妙地引入古镇之中 ,编织出以河成街、桥街相连、临河水阁的水镇风情。
Bamboo Old Town is the core of a largerproject, strategically laid out at the peninsula between the river and surroundinghills. The Old Town offers visitors a diversity of experiences and activitiesincluding multiple food and beverage options, shopping, art museums, boutiquehotels, and an outdoor water stage.
03 农村建筑的空间灵感
古老的城镇结构和建筑形式灵感来自当地农业村的特点,曲折的小巷和庭院交织。这些不仅反映了就有该地特色的有机形式,也为游客提供了有趣的体验。 广场和中央湖为娱乐场所和特殊活动提供更大的聚集点。
The old town fabric and building form wereinspired by the character of local farm towns with their zigzag alleys andcourtyards. These not only reflect the organic form of existingtowns but also offer interesting experiences for tourists. Plaza and a central lake provide larger gathering spots for entertainment venues andspecial events.
In addition to traditional streetscape, inthe design of key landmark buildings, modern design techniques are adopted andthe unique form of bamboo art is incorporated to create an amazing spaceexperience.
04 生态游憩并进的景观
A meandering waterway creates a desirableriverwalk experience as well as providing an important storm controlcapacity. Additional venues within the greater Bamboo Sea TouristDistrict include an exploration park, multiple outdoor recreation experiences,organic farms, additional hotels, river tours, and educational researchfacilities.
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