【新刊速递】 第24期 | International Organization, Vol. 74, No.1, 2020


International Organization(《国际组织》),简称“IO”,是一份经过同行评议的季刊,涵盖国际事务的领域包括:外交政策、国际关系、国际与比较政治经济学、安全政策、环境争端与解决、欧洲一体化、联盟模式与战争、谈判与冲突解决、经济发展与调整、国际资本流动等。它成立于1947年,由剑桥大学出版社代表国际组织基金会出版,主编是乔治城大学的Erik Voeten。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,2018年其影响因子为4.508,在91个国际关系类期刊中排名第1,在176个政治科学类期刊中排名第1。


编译】刘瑛琛 张曼娜 房宇馨 贺凡熙 张晋岚





1. The Political Economy of Bilateral Bailouts


2. The Price of Peace: Motivated Reasoning and Costly Signaling in International Relations


3. Public Opinion and Decisions about Military Force in Democracies


4. Dangerous Contenders: Election Monitors, Islamic Opposition Parties, and Terrorism


5. Barriers to Trade: How border walls affect trade relations




题目】The Political Economy of Bilateral Bailouts

作者】Christina J. Schneider,加州大学圣迭戈分校教授;Jennifer L. Tobin,乔治城大学麦考特公共政策学院公共政策专业副教授。



IMF loans during times of financial crisis often occur in conjunction with bilateral financial rescues. These bilateral bailouts are substantial in size and a central component of international cooperation during financial crises. We analyze the political economy of bilateral bailouts and study the trade-offs that potential creditor governments experience when other countries find themselves in financial distress. Creditor governments want to stabilize crisis countries by providing additional liquidity, particularly if the crisis country is economically or politically important to them, but they are constrained by domestic politics. Politicians aim to balance these countervailing pressures. They provide bailouts when their own economy is exposed to negative spillover effects and when the crisis country is important for geostrategic, military, or political reasons. Domestic economic and political constraints, on the other hand, limit their ability to bail out other countries. We test our hypotheses using an original data set on bilateral bailouts by the G7 countries to countries that experienced financial crises between 1975 and 2010. The findings of our statistical analysis support our theoretical argument and contribute to a deeper understanding of international cooperation's complex structure during financial crises.






题目】The Price of Peace: Motivated Reasoning and Costly Signaling in International Relations

作者】Joshua D. Kertzer,哈佛大学政治经济学副教授;Brian C. Rathbun, 南加州大学国际关系教授;Nina Srinivasan Rathbun,南加州大学国际关系教授。
在国际关系中,高成本信号(costly signaling)的规范模型倾向于假设高成本信号具有自证性:信号的高成本性通常被理解为该信号的功能而非接收者的感知。将国际关系中的信号研究与政治心理学中的动机性怀疑主义(motivated skepticism)和非对称更新(asymmetric updating)相结合,作者发现个体倾向于接受与他们总体观念体系相一致的信息(并排斥与之不一致的信息),这一发现对信号的解释具有重要意义。根据伊朗在2015年达成的“联合全面行动计划”,结合两项针对美国民众的调查实验,本文发现了与动机取向怀疑论相一致的模式:最可能更新观念的个人往往最不需要安抚信号,这种情况下高成本信号会导致两极分化而非趋同。因此,成功的信号发送需要了解信号接收者的取向。
Canonical models of costly signaling in international relations (IR) tend to assume costly signals speak for themselves: a signal’s costliness is typically understood to be a function of the signal, not the perceptions of the recipient. Integrating the study of signaling in IR with research on motivated skepticism and asymmetric updating from political psychology, we show that individuals’ tendencies to embrace information consistent with their overarching belief systems (and dismiss information inconsistent with it) has important implications for how signals are interpreted. We test our theory in the context of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran, combining two survey experiments fielded on members of the American mass public. We find patterns consistent with motivated skepticism: the individuals most likely to update their beliefs are those who need reassurance the least, such that costly signals cause polarization rather than convergence. Successful signaling therefore requires knowing something about the orientations of the signal’s recipient.






题目】Public Opinion and Decisions about Military Force in Democracies

作者】Michael Tomz,斯坦福大学政治学系教授;Jessica L. P. Weeks,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校政治学系副教授;Keren Yarhi-Milo,普林斯顿大学政治系副教授。



Many theories of international relations assume that public opinion exerts a powerful effect on foreign policy in democracies. Previous research, based on observational data, has reached conflicting conclusions about this foundational assumption. We use experiments to examine two mechanisms—responsiveness and selection—through which opinion could shape decisions about the use of military force. We tested responsiveness by asking members of the Israeli parliament to consider a crisis in which we randomized information about public opinion. Parliamentarians were more willing to use military force when the public was in favor and believed that contravening public opinion would entail heavy political costs. We tested selection by asking citizens in Israel and the US to evaluate parties/candidates, which varied randomly on many dimensions. In both countries, security policy proved as electorally significant as economic and religious policy, and far more consequential than nonpolicy considerations such as gender, race, and experience. Overall, our experiments in two important democracies imply that citizens can affect policy by incentivizing incumbents and shaping who gets elected.






题目】Dangerous Contenders: Election Monitors, Islamic Opposition Parties, and Terrorism

作者】Kerim Can Kavakli,意大利博科尼大学政治科学助理教授;Patrick M. Kuhn,英国杜伦大学比较政治学副教授。



How do international observers decide whether to criticize or condone electoral fraud in a country? We argue that this decision depends on the identity of the victims of electoral fraud. A monitoring organization is more likely to overlook fraud committed against groups that are deemed dangerous by its sponsor. Based on this insight, we hypothesize that in the post-Cold War era election monitors are more tolerant of fraud against Islamic challengers, especially when Islamic movements are perceived as a threat to political stability. In support of our hypothesis, we find that outside monitors are more likely to endorse an election in countries with an Islamic opposition party and an ongoing Islamist terrorist campaign. Furthermore, we find that the effect is driven by Western monitoring organizations and becomes stronger after the September 11 attacks. Our findings provide a simple yet powerful insight: the calculus of outside observers depends not only on who they wish to see in power, but also who they want to keep from power.






题目】Barriers to Trade: How border walls affect trade relations

作者】David B. Carter,美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学政治学系副教授;Paul Poast,美国芝加哥大学政治学副教授


由于贸易必须跨越边界,那么边界墙在多大程度上会影响贸易流动?作者认为,边境墙可以减少贸易流动。即使边境墙的目标仅仅是阻止非法移民的流动,它也会加剧边界效应,从而也会抑制合法的跨界流动。作者利用反映经济理论和计量经济学最新发展的贸易引力模型(gravity model of trade),发现边境墙的修建与邻国之间合法贸易流动的减少相关。作者提供的一系列证据表明,这种减少并不仅仅是双边关系恶化的结果。作者的研究结果对理解在经济全球化日益加剧的时代,各国政府如何采取措施维护其边界的主权控制具有启示意义。

Since trade must cross borders, to what extent do border walls affect trade flows? We argue that border walls can reduce trade flows. Even if the objective is to only stem illicit flows, border walls heighten “border effects” that can also inhibit legal cross-border flows. Using a gravity model of trade that reflects recent developments in both economic theory and econometrics, we find that the creation of a wall is associated with a reduction in legal trade flows between neighboring countries. We provide a battery of evidence that suggests this reduction is not simply a function of worsening bilateral relations. Our findings have implications for understanding how governments have taken measures to assert sovereign control of their borders in an age of increasing economic globalization.




【新刊速递】第12期 | International Affairs, Vol.95, No.6,2019

【新刊速递】第13期|Chinese Journal of International Politics, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第14期|Chinese Journal of International Politics, No.3, 2019

【新刊速递】 第15期 | International Organization, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第16期 | International Studies Quarterly, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第17期 | World Politics, Vol.72, No.1, 2020

【新刊速递】 第18期 | Security Studies Vol.28, No.5, 2019

【新刊速递】第19期 | Review of International Studies, No.1, 2020

【新刊速递】第20期 | International Studies Quarterly, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第21期 | International Studies Quarterly, No.4, 2019

【新刊速递】第22期 | Security Studies Vol.29, No.1, 2020

【新刊速递】 第23期|Cooperation and Conflict,Vol.55, No.1, 2020

