
Complications of traction 

Circulatory embarrassment --In children especially, traction tapes and circular bandages may constrict the circulation; for this reason ‘gallows traction’, in which the baby’s legs are suspended from an overhead beam, should never be used for children over 12 kg in weight.

Nerve injury-- In older people, leg traction may predispose to peroneal nerve injury and cause a dropfoot; the limb should be checked repeatedly to see that it does not roll into external rotation during traction.

Pin site infection --Pin sites must be kept clean and should be checked daily.


Plaster of Paris is still widely used as a splint, especially for distal limb fractures and for most children’s fractures. It is safe enough, so long as the practitioner is alert to the danger of a tight cast and provided pressure sores are prevented. The speed of union is neither greater nor less than with traction, but the patient can go home sooner. Holding reduction is usually no problem and patients with tibial fractures can bear weight on the cast. However, joints encased in plaster cannot move and are liable to stiffen; stiffness, which has earned the sobriquet ‘fracture disease’, is the problem with conventional casts. While the swelling and haematoma resolve, adhesions may form that bind muscle fibres to each other and to the bone; with articular fractures, plaster perpetuates surface irregularities (closed reduction is seldom perfect) and lack of movement inhibits the healing of cartilage defects. Newer substitutes have some advantages over plaster (they are impervious to water, and also lighter) but as long as they are used as full casts the basic drawback is the same.

Stiffness can be minimized by: (1) delayed splintage – that is, by using traction until movement has been regained, and only then applying plaster; or (2) starting with a conventional cast but, after a few weeks, when the limb can be handled without too much discomfort, replacing the cast by a functional brace which permits joint movement.

Plaster techniqueApplying a well-fifitting and effective plaster needs experience and attention to detail. (a) A well-equipped plaster trolley is invaluable. (b) Adequate anaesthesia and careful study of the x-ray films are both indispensable. (c) For a below-knee plaster the thigh is best supported on a padded block. (d) Stockinette is threaded smoothly onto the leg. (e) For a padded plaster the wool is rolled on and it must be even. (f) Plaster is next applied smoothly, taking a tuck with each turn, and (g) smoothing each layer firmly onto the one beneath. (h)While still wet the cast is moulded away from the point points. (i) With a recent injury the plasteris then split.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P687-688


Complications  /,kɑmplə'keʃən/n. 并发症(complication的复数)

Circulatory embarrassment 循环障碍

/ɪmˈbærəsmənt/n. 窘迫,难堪;使人为难的人或事物;拮据

constrict the circulation 限制循环

constrict  /kənˈstrɪkt/vt. 压缩;束紧

beam /biːm/n. 横梁;光线

predispose  /ˌpriːdɪˈspoʊz/vt. 预先处置;使…偏向于


external rotation外旋

Pin sites 钉道


pressure sores 压疮

sores  /sor/n. 疡;褥疮;痍(sore的复数)

encased adj. 包装的;被包住的v. 盖住;包起;装箱(encase的过去分词)

be liable to stiffen容易变硬

stiffen  /ˈstɪfn/vt. 使变硬;使粘稠vi. 变硬;变猛烈;变粘

sobriquet /ˈsoʊbrɪkeɪ/. 绰号

conventional /kənˈvenʃənl/adj. 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的

haematoma  /,hi:mə'təumə/n. [病理] 血肿

inhibit/ɪnˈhɪbɪt/ vt. 抑制;禁止

substitutes  /'sʌbstə,tjʊt/n. 替代品;替补(substitute的复数)

impervious to water, 不透水

impervious /ɪmˈpɜːrviəs/adj. 不受影响的,无动于衷的;不能渗透的

drawback /ˈdrɔːbæk/n. 缺点,不利条件;退税

functional brace功能支具

trolley /ˈtrɑːli/n. 手推车;(美)有轨电车(等于trolley car);(英)无轨电车(等于trolleybus);空中吊运车

invaluable /ɪnˈvæljuəbl/adj. 无价的;非常贵重的

indispensable /ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl/n. 不可缺少之物;必不可少的人adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的

padded block. 垫块 /'pædid/adj. 有装填垫料的;脚底有厚肉的

Stockinette /,stɑkɪ'nɛt/n. 弹力织物;布袋;松紧织物(等于stockinet)

tuck  /tʌk/vi. 缝褶裥;缩拢;

split /splɪt/n. 劈开;裂缝









