
线粒体是植物生长和发育的重要调节剂,是ATP的主要来源,并参与多种合成代谢和分解代谢代谢途径。 但是功能紊乱的线粒体影响植物生长的机制仍然未知需要鉴定更多的线粒体缺陷型突变体。

结果 从通过EMS(甲烷磺酸乙酯)诱变的水稻突变体文库中分离出线粒体缺陷型减少的维管束1(dvb1),显示矮化,叶片狭窄,分支短,维管束少,生育力低


DVB1蛋白部分位于线粒体中,能够形成二聚体和聚合物。 与野生型相比,在dvb1突变体中观察到氨基酸代谢破坏和生长素合成增加,这也显示出对线粒体电子转运抑制剂的敏感性增加。 结论 DVB1属于Mic10家族,DVB1部分位于线粒体中。 进一步的研究表明,DVB1对于水稻的线粒体和植物发育很重要。


Mitochondria are vital regulators of plant growth and development, constitute the predominant source of ATP, and participate in multiple anabolic and catabolic metabolic pathways. But the mechanism by which dysfunctional mitochondria affect plant growth remains unknown, and more mitochondria-defective mutants need to be identified.


A mitochondria-defective mutant decreased vascular bundle 1 (dvb1) was isolated from rice mutant library mutagenized by EMS (ethylmethane sulfonate), which shows dwarfism, narrow leaves, short branches, few vascular bundles, and low fertility. Map-based cloning, genetic complementation, and phylogenetic analysis revealed that DVB1 encodes a structural protein classified in the Mic10 family and is required for the formation of cristae in mitochondria, and was primarily expressed in vascular bundles. The DVB1 protein is partially localized in the mitochondria and capable of forming dimers and polymers. Comparing with the wild type, disruption of amino acid metabolism and increased auxin synthesis were observed in dvb1 mutant which also showed increased sensitivity to the mitochondrial electron transport inhibitors.


DVB1 belongs to Mic10 family and DVB1 is partially localized in the mitochondria. Further studies indicated that DVB1 is important for mitochondrial and plant development in rice.





