
A 4-year-old boy with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), anasymptomatic optic glioma, and a right basal ganglia T2-hyperintense lesion (figure, A andB) developed a lefthemiparesis with hyperreflexia over the course of a year. Neuroimaging revealeda cyst-like mass in the region of his previously identified T2 hyperintensity (figure, C andD). While it is oftendifficult to distinguish T2 hyperintensities from low-grade glioma withouttissue diagnosis,1 even with advanced imaging methods,2 T2 hyperintensities typically disappear with age and do notbecome cystic with associated mass effect. Coupled with the development of newneurologic signs, these MRI features are worrisome for neoplasm in a patientwith NF1.
Figure T2 hyperintensities in a child with neurofibromatosistype 1 Brain MRI from 2003 revealed a T2 hyperintensity in the right basalganglia, frequently observed in children with neurofibromatosis type 1.