第二节 提高篇:巧用定语从句

第一部分  遣词造句 巩固基础——第三章  应用了较多的语法结构之

第二节 提高篇: 巧用定语从句




1. We can’t tell the difference between thetrue and the false information, ______ may be harmful to our study and life. (2021全国乙卷)

2. Any student ______ is interested iswelcome to participate. (2016 课标II)

3. My uncle Li Ming is going to the city______ you live to attend an international meeting. (2013课标I)

4. A couple of days ago, my cousin Li Ming,______ has gone to Australia to further his studies, called me. (2021北京)

5. Word came that our school is going tohold a class meeting _______ topic is related to Chinese traditional customs.有消息说我们学校要开一个主题与中国传统习俗有关的班会。(2021全国甲卷)


1. I’m a Chinese student. I’m taking somecourses in London this summer holiday. (2019新课标I)

2. I’m not quite sure of the language andthe format. I’ve used them. (2016 课标I)

3. I think you’d better have a brief studyabout the history of the Tang Dynasty. It will help you better understand thepoems.(2017 课标I)

4. There will be a paper-cutting exhibitionfrom 8:00 am to 5:00 pm this weekend in the city park. The park is just threeblocks away from our school. (2017 课标II)

5. Personally, I’d prefer a quiet room. I cansleep alone in it.(2014 课标Ⅰ)


1. 我们都知道,《一起成长》这部优秀的英文短片看起来很有趣。(2018课标Ⅱ)

______________, the outstanding Englishshort film, Growing Together, is interesting to watch.

2. 她就是这样一个总是乐于助人的女孩。(2020课标I)

She is ____________ is always ready to helpothers.

3. 我们先摘颜色最漂亮的,然后是成熟柔软的。(2020课标II)

We first picked the ones___________________

in color, then those______________________.

4. 最让我受益的是《外国文化》栏目,在那里我可以读幽默故事,诗歌,小说等。(2021新高考I)

What benefits me most is the ForeignCulture section, ______________ humorous stories, poems, fictions and so on.

5. 我计划帮助你学习唐王朝的一些诗歌,这是中国文明的重要组成部分。(2017 课标I)

I plan to help you to learn some poems ofthe Tang Dynast, ____________________________________________________________.


1. 我有一个同学叫Kate,她的妈妈是我以前的英语老师。

2. Kate 是一个容易相处的人,我们都喜欢她。

3. Kate 在此次口语竞赛中获得第一名,这使得她妈妈很高兴。

4. 新年就要到了,到时Kate 会和她妈妈一起去香港。

5. 众所周知,香港是一个购物天堂,Kate 打算在那里买她需要的东西。

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