

1、During the performance of fire drill only one firemen dressed for fight the fire onboard.  Missing simulation of shut-off of ventilation and cooling of bulkheads in fire area.消防演习时,仅仅一个消防员穿着消防服,同时忘记关闭着火区域的通风机和cooling of bulkheads。

公约要求(SOLAS CIII R19):演习应尽可能模拟实际情况,但是公约没要求需要几个消防队,仅仅要求按照应变部署表的要求开展演习( reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list required by regulation 8),从这条缺陷看,应变部署表上应该是有两个消防队,而演习中,只有一个人穿着消防服。另外公约要求应关闭演习区域的水密门、防火门、防火挡板、通风进口和出口等(checking the operation of watertight doors, fire doors, fire dampers and main inlets and outlets of ventilation systems in the drill area)

2、During abandon ship drill crew member unable to lower lifeboat stb side and fail to bring epirb   and nautical chart from bridge. Furthermore, crew member fail to bring personal life saving   appliance during meeting at master station on poop deck.弃船演习期间,船员未能到释放右舷救生艇,未从驾驶台携带EPRIB和海图。再者船员在船尾甲板应急集合地点未穿戴个人救生设备。

公约要求(SOLAS III R19):在完成任何必要的降落准备工作后,至少降下1艘救生艇。( lowering of at least one lifeboat after any necessary preparation for launching),当然对不同类型的救生艇,公约又讲:Different lifeboats shall, as far as practicable, be lowered in compliance with the requirements of paragraph at successive drills.因此,在演习中没有实际释放的很多,显然本案例中没有释放。对于不同类型救生艇该如何释放?多长时间释放?下期再聊。公约要求演习中应 checking that lifejackets are correctly donned,本案例中显然违反了公约要求。至于携带海图和EPRIB应该是应变部署表中要求的内容,公约中未直接规定。

3、Starboard side davit found seized and not able to lower at sea level lifeboat. Furtermore, annual service result wrongly issued on june 09th 2018. Furthermore, rudder of Port side lifeboat found seized and not operable. No documentary evidence found on board regarding last renewal of   steel wire falls of both lifeboats.右舷davit吊卡住,不能释放救生艇至海面。年检签发时间错误(2018年6月,这个日期有点扯);左舷救生艇舵卡住,不能操作。没证据证明救生艇吊艇索进行了更换。

公约依据:SOLAS第III章R20.4 Maintenance of falls——Falls used in launching shall be inspected periodically* with special regard for areas passing through sheaves, and renewed when necessary due to deterioration of the falls or at intervals of not more than 5 years, whichever is the earlier.根据损坏情况或每五年,吊艇索应进行更换。这个缺陷不应该。

4、 N. 4 fire hoses in engine room foud wasted and holed. Furthermore, n. 1 fire hose on poop deck   stb side found with leackages in way of connection coupling. 机舱内4个消防皮龙损坏,右旋尾甲板一根消防皮龙和消防栓连接处漏水(这个也被定义为滞留缺陷)。

5、N. 16 metal empty drums found on main deck near cargo hold n. 5. Furthermore, dismantled   exausted parts of air condition system found at poop deck and garbage found collected on a   plastic container outside allowed garbage station.5号货舱附近放置了16个空桶;空调系统换下的备件和垃圾未放在垃圾站。这条缺陷比较有意思,很多船舶这么放置,PSCO开缺陷的少。

6、 Annual survey has been carried out before the window of three months as per anniversary date.   In that Case, the anniversary date shown on certificate shall be amended by endorsement to a date which shall not be more than three months later than the date on which the survey was completed.法定证书年检在周年日前三个月进行,这种情况,周年日应进行修改至检验日期+五年之内的某一天。

公约要求:(iii) when the renewal survey is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal survey to:(2) for a cargo ship, a date not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the renewal survey


7、 Engine room ventilation damper PT side found blocked. Furthermore, Galley Sup Vent and steering   room ventilation damper found blocked. 舵机间和机舱通风机防火挡板卡住;常见滞留缺陷。

8、 Declaration of maritime labour compliance PART II, found not reviewed by competent Authority or  duly R.O.劳工证书PART II部分,未经主管机关或RO认可

公约要求:MLCA5.1.3——The competent authority or recognized organization duly authorized for this purpose shall certify Part II and shall issue the declaration of maritime labour compliance .partII显然需要认可组织或主管机关认可的。

9、 Following Emergency light found out of order: port side funnel, embarcation stb side, forward   liferaft.应急灯故障。

10、Aft Mast Head (lower) and stern (upper and lower) navigation lights found inoperatives.航行灯故障

11、 Admirality Nautical chart n. 1643 (port of taranto) and 187 for intended voyage not up to date  (intended voyage not already fixed). Furthermore, nautical charts n. 1439 and 176 for the previous  voyage (Misurata - Taranto) not up to date with NTM 289/17 - 985/17 - 446/17.海图未更新

12、Safety management audit by the Administration is required before departure of the ship. Deficiency   (s) marked ISM is (are) objective evidence of a serious failure, or lack of effectiveness, of  implementation of the ISM Code标注的缺陷证明船舶没有有效的执行ISM规则,开航前,船舶需经主管机关进行SMS的审核。





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