
Human Performance In Biopharma Operations — Your Problem Isn't Error


This article is the first part of a two-part roundtable Q&A focused on human performance in pharmaceutical operations. Part 1 discusses key drivers for human performance improvement, compares lean manufacturing and human performance programs, and provides perspectives on human performance in the context of the rapid scale-up and production of COVID-19 therapeutics and vaccines. Part 2 will review human performance in the context of company investigation and CAPA programs. The four participants in the Q&A have significant combined experience in manufacturing operations and human and organizational performance:
  • John Wilkes is the human performance lead for biologics at AstraZeneca. He has more than 25 years of experience in industry, with experience in manufacturing operations, operational excellence, quality systems, and quality control.
    John Wilkes是阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)生物制剂部门的人员绩效负责人。他在工业领域有超过25年的经验,在制造运营、卓越运营、质量体系和质量控制方面有丰富的经验。
  • Clifford Berry is the head of business excellence for Takeda at its Massachusetts Biologics Operations site. He has been a human and organizational performance practitioner since 1999, with experiences in commercial nuclear electrical generation, electric transmission and distribution, and biopharma.
    Clifford Berry是武田制药马萨诸塞州生物制品运营中心的卓越业务主管。自1999年以来,他一直是一名人员和组织绩效实践者,在商业核能发电、电力传输和配电和生物制药领域拥有经验。
  • Amy D. Wilson, Ph.D., is the global human performance lead for Biogen. She has more than 20 years of experience in biopharma manufacturing, with focuses on human and organizational performance, operational excellence, risk management, and technical training.
    Amy D. Wilson博士是Biogen公司的全球人员绩效领导。她在生物制药制造方面有20多年的经验,专注于人员和组织绩效、卓越运营、风险管理和技术培训。
  • Jim Morris, executive director at NSF Health Sciences, with over 30 years’ pharmaceutical operations experience in quality and manufacturing, is often leading consulting and training projects in investigation and CAPA management.
    Jim Morris, NSF Health Sciences的执行董事,在质量和生产方面有30多年的制药运营经验,经常领导调查和CAPA管理方面的咨询和培训项目。
Although the responses to each of the questions were provided independently, common themes stand out — offering insight into how forward-thinking organizations view human performance and treat “human error” in the workplace.
What underpins human performance improvement in pharmaceutical operations?
John Wilkes, AstraZeneca:
Underpinning human performance improvement in pharmaceutical operations begins with the organization’s mindset toward error. Science has shown that error is a normal performance attribute of human behavior, occurring not only in work with failed outcomes but also, and most importantly, in work with successful outcomes. Shifting the organization’s mindset from “error” as the exceptional cause of failure to a mindset that it is normal and not causal is challenging. However, the effect of this shift is profound. It moves the focus of improvement from fixing the “errors” of workers toward improving the effectiveness of the management of performance risk and operational learning.


Jim Morris, NSF Health Sciences
What underpins human performance in an organization is, in my view, open communication across levels and between functions. In other words, an open reporting environment where employees are encouraged to report error traps and are empowered to take action will lead to long-term improvement. Co-worker relationships based on trust will encourage reporting and a collaborative approach to problem solving.
Amy D. Wilson, Ph.D., Biogen
Human performance at Biogen is primarily characterized by a recognition of people as necessary drivers of success rather than as a variable that creates failure through error. This perspective drives us to ask different questions when we seek to understand both how failure occurs and how success is achieved, which ensures our improvement efforts are focused in areas that will actually improve overall system performance. The underpinnings of human performance in pharmaceutical operations are principles that include a recognition that people are fallible but come to work to do a good job, that systems and context drive behaviors, that systems are complex and imperfect, that our response to failure matters, that learning is vital and blame fixes nothing, and that reliability is the presence of controls and not an absence of accidents or deviations.
Clifford Berry, Takeda
From my perspective, the underpinnings always begin with the principles – those desired shared basic underlying assumptions that shape espoused values and beliefs and ultimately guide how we design, execute, and learn from work. Those principles could be a version of Todd Conklin’s five principles, the principles that originated with Tony Muschara at the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations, or Takeda’s seven human and organizational performance principles. You need some variant that works for your organization that includes the concepts that people have good intentions, error is normal, systems are complex and fail, how we respond to failure matters, and blame fixes nothing.
在我看来,基础总是从原则开始的,那些需要共享的基本假设,它们塑造了所拥护的价值观和信念,并最终指导我们如何设计、执行和从工作中学习。这些原则可能是托德·康克林(Todd Conklin)的五项原则的一个版本,这五项原则源自核能运行研究所(Institute for Nuclear Power Operations)的托尼·穆萨拉(Tony Muschara),或者武田公司(Takeda)的七条人和组织绩效原则。您需要一些适用于组织的变体,包括这样的概念:人们的意图是好的,错误是正常的,系统是复杂的和失败的,我们如何应对失败很重要,责备什么也解决不了。
Takeaways For Improvement:
  • Shift the mindset from “fixing” errors to reducing performance risk and increasing operational learning.
  • Create a safe environment for reporting near misses and possible error traps.
  • Shift the mindset to recognizing that systems and context drive behaviors and our response to failure matters.
  • Establish shared principles to guide how we design, execute, and learn from work.
What changes do you feel bring about the greatest improvement in human performance on the plant floor?


Make time for conversations about risk before work begins. This dialogue could be informal or more formal, like a pre-job brief. Discuss the human actions that could trigger immediate, irreversible, and intolerable failure. Talk about where controls to prevent harm to people or product may be insufficient and how that risk will be managed. One way to create positive control during work where there is risk of failure is by staying in role for the natural duration of the task – avoid swapping performer and verifier roles. Lastly, when the task ends, talk about the work – how it went well, surprises and difficulties encountered, and share the learning with leaders.
Operational learning – improving human performance – means strengthening the understanding of performance risk, improving the risk competence of workers, and establishing defenses that effectively manage the consequence of human error where it matters most. The key action is to improve the organization’s ability to receive feedback from operations. This feedback is the fuel for improvement. Acting on this feedback consistently and with urgency defines learning and continuous improvement.
Pre- and post-action reviews of activity at the unit level will bring about a significant improvement in human performance. Those organizations that institutionalize practices that prepare people to execute work and embed after-action reviews will see a significant improvement in human performance. Subject matter experts must be involved in these reviews. And, organizations that prepare SMEs as trainers and mentors will indirectly ensure these reviews are effective. Institutionalizing these practices is hard work, requiring discipline and leadership support.
First, I think it’s important to equate human performance with overall performance. Human performance is not separate. If one makes it easier to “get it right” and harder to “get it wrong,” you will see overall improvement in success rates and operational metric performance. In terms of what drives significant improvement, we have seen the greatest impact from: (1) implementing formal risk management practices on the plant floor, such as pre-job briefs and three-part communication, (2) improving the way we learn from deviations, and (3) improving the way we learn in general from operations through learning teams, after-action reviews, post-job reviews, and work observations.
Takeaways For Improvement:
  • Make time for conversations about risk before work begins.
  • Improve the organization’s ability to receive and act on feedback from operations.
  • Develop subject matter experts to serve as effective trainers / mentors.
  • Focus on operational learning, considering pre-job briefs, after-action reviews, learning teams.


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