3.15日的《经济学人》在Business板块报道了中国的网红经济,咱们一起从文章中学点英文:“网红” “变现”怎么说?如何用英文简单介绍“罗胖” “Papi酱”和“MC天佑”?
LIANG TAO shifted 80 pink Givenchy bags in 12 minutes. Becky Fang offloaded 100 turquoise Mini Cooper cars in just five. Both are wanghong, literally “red-hot on the web”. Every day millions of Chinese trawl social media for wanghong posts or tune in to live-streams for opinions on everything from a French fashionista’s essentials to rampant sexism in China. The fans are helping this new breed of Chinese internet star tomonetise their popularity—and to shake up the country’s e-commerce industry in the process.
以后网红咱们就直接说“wanghong”,对方不懂的话我们可以解释说It literally means "red-hot on the web",或者用下面这些表达更简单直接地解释:internet star/celebrity/celeb/sensation, influencer, personality(在这里不是“个性”,是“名人” “风云人物”)就好了。
red-hot表示“炙手可热的” “流行的”,像是中文的“红得发紫”,咱们可以用它来替very popular。
"变现”就是“变成现金”,可以说convert into money/cash,这个表达中缺少主语,把什么“变现”呢?文中用的是monetise their popularity, 把“人气”金钱化。我们可以举一反三,把“内容变现”表达为“content monetization”,“流量变现”表达为"traffic monetization"。
还可以想想“除了这么说,还可以怎么说?” 例如我能想到这样几个替换表达:turn/convert popularity into profitability, cash in on one's populairty。“变现”的相关表达还能想到realize, liquidate。
Unlike conventional luxury-and-beauty brand ambassadors, many wanghong have built their fan bases through compelling online content rather than a famous name. Some of the most successful are not especially glamorous. "Pudgy Luo” is a middle-aged man who discusses everything from Chinese emperors to 3D printing on his talk-show. MC Tianyou raps about the hardships faced by other young, working-class men. Papi Jiang, a comedian, pokes fun at stardom and Chinese society in salty tirades.
如果让你把“罗胖”译成英文,你可能会说“Fat Luo",萌一点“Fattie Luo"。显然《经济学人》更有文化,人家叫“Pudgy Luo“,pudgy就是"肥胖的“ ”胖嘟嘟的“。
在这里提醒大家:对于不是特别熟的胖子(例如我),不要随便用fat形容它,因为对方可能会被冒犯,觉得没有礼貌,吃你家大米了啊你说我胖?! 我们可以用plump, chubby这些更有礼貌的表达来替换。
墨西哥裔美国喜剧演员Gabriel Iglesias是个大胖子,他的经典段子之一是:I'm not fat. I'm fluffy. “我不胖,只是有点蓬松”... 从此Fluffy就成了他的外号。你看,这就是表达的艺术。
文中说MC天佑"raps about the hardship",我认为这个并不准确,因为天佑的表演形式和西方人熟知的rapper还是有所不同的。天佑是“喊麦”,我们可以这样解释喊麦: literally means "shouting into the microphone", a style of emceeing popular in northeastern China.
《经济学人》给Papi酱的标签是comedian,也有报道称她为video blogger, comedy/comedic blogger。
她的风格是“in salty tirades”,salty可以立即为“妙语连珠尖酸犀利有点小污的”,如盐一样味道强烈。 tirade是“长篇的吐槽”,salty tirades来形容Papi的风格还是挺贴切的。
读完这篇文章我们应该至少学会了“网红” “变现” “罗胖” “喊麦” “长篇的吐槽”的英文表达。这些表达都不是绝对的,我们可以用来参考,适当调整。