Flood: 曾经沧海难为水,如今临窗便观海


In recent years, the ever-visible headline is the certain place invites you to have a look at the so-called sea. Venice took centuries to become a water town while Wuhan just made it with several days. Whereas, Shenzhen could manage it with just few hours.


After heavy rain or continuous rainstorm hit our gorgeous city, residents throughout the city are all in a blue mood. If the condition was not worse, the citizens just have difficulty in traffic. If the whole city was overwhelmed with flood, the ground could turn to great lake or sea. At this particular moment, some proposed with this sentence---The most romantic things in the world in my mind is to witness flood-sea at work and observe the waterfall out of work together with you.


Rainstorm is always so destructive and devastating. And continuous rainstorm could easily set off landslide and mudflow. Sometimes just lament for the insignificance and vulnerability of human beings due to the irresistible factors. However, the storm not only hit China but also swept across the world. In 2010, the highly daily rainfall of Sydney was over 330mm and the total volume was beyond six billion mm. In 2011, the storm and flood had caused losses of 100 million Australian dollars. At the same year, thousands of people had to leave their homeland in Pennsylvania of America. In 2016, the flood had created losses of over 2 billion euros (which is equal to 14.784 billion RMB) in Ile-de-France. Thus far, heavy rain keeps continuously falling in central China and you can only see the boundless sea as opening your eyes.


The following pictures are various life experiences when hit the storm. What have you suffered once?


The common people are not that tall enough like Yao Ming.


We are too cold to take a shower!!!


Students take an unusual way!


Let’s enjoy a swimming race!


Enjoy the fish-feast with me, ok?


I wanna be as strong as you!


Do you want to try new conveyances or make money?






a hard slanting rain (斜降的暴雨);

a pluvial rain (大雨、大量的雨);

a copious rain (大雨,copious,丰富的);

a gully-washer(倾盆大雨 大暴雨,gully 是暴雨冲刷出的沟);

a driving/pounding rain(倾盆大雨,driving和pounding是重重地打击);

a drenching rain(drench 是让人湿透的意思);

a torrential rain(似急流的雨);

rainwater cascading down the window(大雨倾泻而下)。


About storm, there are various description, not to mention the rain. Then, come along with me and let’s rock with the rain.



大雨heavy rain经常性阵雨frequent shower

持续阵雨persistent shower暴雨downpour

暴风雨storm/tempest雷阵雨thunder shower

雷暴雨thunderstorm rain洪水flood泥石流mudflow

山体滑坡landslide暴雨洪灾rain and flood

It rains cats and dogs! Do you get it?


Attention, there’s a tongue twister for our fellows. Take it easy and don’t too frighten to be tong-tied! I can’t help waiting for your speech sounds!



The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.

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《Zero to One》涉及哲学、历史、经济等多元领域,解读世界运行的脉络,分享商业与未来发展的落实。该书将帮助我们思考从0到1的秘密,在意想不到之处发现价值与机会。

值得关注的是,这本Zero to One》绝非学术讨论或者思想大师们的论战,自问世起,它的影响就迅速超越了投资圈,在美国亚马逊图书畅销总榜上跻身前列。

