


A 66-year-old man presented with a 5-year history of lower-limb livedo reticularis.


Complete blood count demonstrated: hemoglobin, 108 g/L; leukocytes, 9.46×10e9/L; and platelets, 393×10e9/L; increased large unstained cells were noted on automated differential.


His plasma showed gel-like precipitation (panel A).


His blood smear showed visible fine-grained agglutinates compared with control (panel B).


Wright-Giemsa staining (panels C, D, F, G) demonstrated multiple extracellular cylindrical crystals (panel C; original magnification ×1000) that partially resolved with warming to 37°C for 30 minutes (panel D; original magnification ×1000).

【翻译】瑞姬氏染色(图C, D, F, G)证实存在许多细胞外的圆柱状晶体(图C,×1000),37℃温浴30分钟可部分消除该现象(图D,×1000)。

Variable sizes of cylindrical and irregular crystals were observed by phase-contrast microscopy after lysing red blood cells (RBCs) (panel E; original magnification ×400).


However, when the patient's sample was delivered at 37°C and tested immediately, only scattered amorphous particles were observed (panel F; original magnification ×1000), which aggregated at room temperature after 30 minutes and induced RBC morphologic changes mimicking schistocytes and helmet cells (panel G; original magnification ×1000) without actual hemolysis (indirect bilirubin, 3.3 mmol/L; lactate dehydrogenase, 382 U/L).

【翻译】不过,当患者的血样在37℃的条件下运送并立即检测,只能观察到散在的不定型成分;(这些成分)在室温下放置30分钟后出现聚集,并诱发红细胞形态改变,似裂红细胞和盔形红细胞(图G,×1000),但并未发生溶血(间接胆红素3.3 mmol/L,乳酸脱氢酶382U/L)

Cryoglobulin testing showed monoclonal immunoglobulin G λ (13091.5 mg/L).

【翻译】冷球蛋白测定显示存在单克隆的免疫球蛋白G λ轻链(13091.5 mg/L)。

Bone marrow examination revealed 15.5% myeloma cells, and multiple myeloma with type 1 cryoglobulinemia was diagnosed.


Cryoglobulin crystallization with clear morphology is a rare phenomenon with different structures.


This case illustrates how cryoglobulin transforms from cylindrical to amorphous in shape, and induces RBC morphologic changes on a peripheral smear.


