9.5结束,从群中同学讨论的情况来看,本次的听力收了大部分同学的膝盖,不知道更多其他的同学如何看待? 本次机经整体命中比较惨淡,但词汇题预测貌似命中了一半的词汇。虽然命中不多,但如果你是个聪明的同学,就会知道命中机经只能算彩头,真正的价值是从大量的真题训练中获得的。给出今天的考情回顾,并在文末设置了考试难度投票,看看多少人和你感受相同 :) 。 口语1.In what age learning second language is better问哪个年纪更适合学习第二外语。可根据个人喜好回答,如:I prefer to acquire a second language at an earlier age like 5 years old, which in my opinion is a best time to learn anything new.同时需要给出理由支持观点, 比如年龄小潜力更大,越早接触一门新的语言就会有更多时间练习运用从而语言也就学的更好。2.Friends should be able to be disagree with each other and still being friends问是否同意这样的观点:朋友就应该既能互相持不同观点但彼此仍然保持友情。可回答同意或者不同意,并给出适当理由。如:I can’t agree more that the real friends could be able to disagree with each other as well as being friends after the controversial discussion. Taking my best friend and I as an example, we sometimes have different opinions on the same topic…随后需举例说明即使有时观点相反不同,但仍求同存异彼此关心才是朋友。3.Prohibited bicycles on campus due to traffic on pedestrian walks & little accidents (collision between people & bikes)Uni provides free shuttle bus Woman:disagree① little accidents occur mostly at night because of low visibility. Should be no danger in daylight② free shuttle bus comes once 1h, students tend to waste time waiting阅读材料中提及:因为交通拥堵且为了避免行人与自行车相撞的意外事故,学习禁止在校园内骑自行车。且大学里会提供免费的校车巴士。女方观点:不同意。原因有二:一是小型事故主要发生在晚上,因为能见度低,所以白天没有什么危险;二是免费校车一小时一班,学生等车太浪费时间。模板:In the reading material, there is a proposal that…Moreover, the woman doesn’t agree with sucha proposal for two reasons. One is that … , and the other is that …4.Dearenemy effectAnimals are usually being aggressive to other members of the same species while being less aggressive to neighboring members.Ex. Cardinals(bird) with unique calling sound are being aggressive to unfamiliar/being less aggressive to familiar sound from nearby territory讲述一种现象叫 Dear Enemy Effect,有些动物会对同种族保持警惕具有攻击性,但对于邻近的种族,攻击性却会减弱。举例:以 Cardinals 这种鸟为例,它们会对不熟悉的同类的声音具有攻击性,而对附近熟悉的声音倒没有那么强的攻击性。模版:The reading passage gives a term named…, which means…The professor in the listening material gives an expriment to demonstrate it in detail…. Thus, the conclusion is drawn that…5.Problem: Jennifer has to stay overnight in NYC for attending a sociology conference① Staying in hotels $$$, gonna save up and had to skip lunch onfriends' birthday & art museum② staying with her aunt take 1h train to conference & gonna missdinner because last train leftJennifer 面临的困难局面:为参加一场社会学会议,Jennifer必须要在 NYC 过夜。选择有二:一是住某某酒店,那么就得省钱,还会错过朋友生日宴午餐也不能去博物馆;二是和她 aunt 住一晚,然后坐一小时火车去参加会议,那儿这样就会错过晚餐因为最后一列火车已经开走。需选择一个 option 并解释清楚为何支持 Jennifer 选这个解决方案。模板:The problem faced by Jennifer is that…. There are twooptions. One is to …; while the other is that…. As for me, Iprefer the first one/second one coz…6.Twoways involving third party to solve two people conflict① mediation: two roommates conflict, their mutual friend talks toeach one to compromise reached a agreement② arbitration: two roommates take conflict to court for judging.给出两种方式,都是引入第三方来帮助解决两者之间的矛盾冲突。一种是 mediation(调解),举例是说两个室友有冲突,由两人共同的朋友来劝架调解;另一种是 arbitration(公断仲裁),举例是说两个室友有冲突,直接上法院来判决。模版:The lecture is about two ways involving the third party to resolvethe conflict between two people. the professor talks about two ways of solvingsuch a conflict. One is …; and he offers an example in detail. The example goes like….The otherone is …. And the example is…写作综合写作Why do animals play Passage:① surplus energy② instinct practices③ social bound Lecture:a. young seals wait for mothers bring back food. No storage for energystill playb. two groups of cats in experiment one group allowed play didn't showmore hunting skillc. older rats after age of playing can also develop social skills 阅读文章中提及:动物为什么要玩耍,因为精力过剩;天性本能;社交需要。随后听力中分别反驳了文中的三个原因。模板:In the lecture, the professor made several points about the reasonswhy animals play. The professor argues that… however, thereading material contends that…. The professor casts doubt on the reading by using a number ofpoints that are contrary to the reading passage.The first point the professor uses to castdoubt on the reading is that …Secondly, according to the professor…,which differs from the reading in that the reading states …Finally, the professor argues that …, whilethe reading material suggests that …独立写作Attract tourists by improving safety orrenovation of buildings and streets问是否应通过提升安全性或者重新修理楼房和街道来吸引旅客?可选择支持或反对这样的做法来组织全文,并需要提出 2-3 个分论点来支持总论点,建议写 4-5 段。以支持该论点为例:首段提及 background information 并提出 thesisstatement(I do agree that a city could take actions like safetyimprovement as well as the renovation of buildings and streets, to attract moretourists.)中间 body part 可举例具体支持论点,如:城市安全性越高游客越放心全家来度假,能体现文化底蕴,犯罪率低的城市更受欢迎,这样的旅游城市有很多特别是圣地哥……;在不破坏原有的文化或人文遗产的前提下,重新修理一下过于破旧的楼房街道也是为了给游客营造更舒适的居住游玩环境,更现代化……最后 conclusion 重新点题,restate 自己的观点即可。阅读苏美尔人:在人定居以前,经常有洪水,人烟稀少.不适宜农业发展,若要充分开发土地生产力,则需要大量的人力。于是诞生了许多高层次的人,用以监督农民干活。农业的发展也使得其他方面得以发展,比如开始贸易,开始进口铜,开始产生科学,甚至可以观察星星(句子插入题)再后来这些发展使文字成为必须,因为要记录农业。鱼类发电有一种瞎的鱼可以发电.这些电很微弱不能够被人们探测到,但是却可以被其他鱼利用。发电有许多非常重要的用途:可以在交配的时候作为求偶信号;可以赶走侵入境地的其他鱼。之后便出现了一个问题:这些鱼是如何区分自己的电和别人的电的?后来发现这种鱼有两种不同的作用,分别可以解释上面的问题。如果频率太过类似的鱼相遇,他们可以分别调节自己的频率,一个快一个慢,彼此之间的区分就会变的更大。寒武纪大爆发寒武纪大爆发一直以来都有很多疑问。为什么在寒武纪之前与之后都没有类似的物种大爆发出现。(然后就是并列的几段说明了可能的四种原因)有可能是因为氧气。在寒武纪之前氧气很少,不足以支持大型动物的形成,有可能与基因有关。具体忘记了。有可能是一系列极端环境导致。有可能是因为寒武纪时候牛逼的捕食者还没有形成,使得被捕食者有足够的机会生存。词汇题9月5日词汇题a wealth ofabundancedevoid oflacking ofdiffusionspreadunpromisingunfavorablecorresponds tomatchcomplexitysophisticationallowingmaking possibletemporarilybrieflyongoingcontinuingdistortionirregularitypeculiarunusual听力C1学生去问宿管申请宿舍(?)是不是过期了,宿管说没有,然后给她讲了申请宿舍的一些注意问题。分三个阶段,首先要在学校网页上提交,然后要交钱,学生说钱没关系,但是我有可能下学期不住,宿管说没关系那样可以;然后可以实地看房,可以决定室友;最后敲定。L1生物学通过植物的种子提取蛋白质比别的途径(比如叶子)的优点:花钱少;易储存这篇leCture奇短无比,还没怎么记就说完了的感觉…L2艺术讲了一个艺术家C首先说在一个时候摄影很流行(?),但是印象派艺术家们觉得摄影很水,因为摄影只是反应物体的一瞬间运动,而物体的运动并不是这样的,应该是连续的。此时教授举了一个例子:一副描绘日落的画,这幅画没有清晰的轮廓,印象派觉得应该这样来表现时间的流逝。然后又提到了神经学家关于人脑处理图像的理论:分为两个阶段:人眼首先感知图像,然后脑子处理图像。教授认为这个艺术家C只是把第二个阶段表现在纸上了而已,并没有什么新奇。C2学生找教授问了一个什么问题,后来教授提到了下节课我们要去看一个古希腊舞台剧,学生说,我可能不会喜欢这个剧,因为我不懂里面的语言,教授说不要紧课前我们会学习一下这个剧,并且,我们教学大纲有要求的,还要写关于这个的论文。然后又反问学生上回你看的那个俄罗斯剧你喜欢吗?学生说这个剧挺好理解的,所以挺喜欢的(重听题)L1一个医生佛罗里达州很热,很多疾病,一个医生觉得如果可以解决热就可以治病,凭借着自己的一点科学知识,他造出了一种制冰的机器,是冰箱的雏形,很大很笨重,可是在当时并没有引起足够的重视。(这篇不记得了,连是什么课都忘了…)L2地理学树对河流的形成的影响很久以前一个地方没有树,之后有了河又有了树,科学家怀疑是树导致的河的形成。后来最近的实验结合了河床过去的数据,又加上最近的数据,理论得以证实。又提到河流两岸流速不同,外侧快里侧慢,外侧会把一些东西带到里侧。(但是我不记得说这段是想说明什么了…)最后教授说这个理论也不完美,因为在火星上存在这样的河床,但是并没有树。福利:别总在朋友圈转那些个书单,你连书都没有转书单由什么用?看看有诚意的小编是如何做的:☞美国顶级名校联手荐书:读完这些你就可以和招生官侃侃而谈 || 不止有书单☞20篇美国最伟大的短篇小说,看完你就真正懂了美国