





九分达人阅读4的Test 3

Passage 2









Part 1

Part 2 & 3

重点话题Sample Answer


1. Do you like sunshine?

Honestly, I haven’t ever thought about this question. But since cloudy days tend to make people gloomy and emotional, it won’t be bad to have some sunshine for us to get rid of such negative sentiments. Besides, the bad air qualities in major cities of China lead to heavy smog in winter, when sunshine becomes a true luxury. Everybody loves luxury. Isn’t that right?

2. Do you like a place with more sunshine or less sunshine? 

Of course I like a place with more sunshine.

If that place is a room, sunshine makes it bright and cozy to stay in. You can lower your electricity bill if so. And if that place is outdoor, sunshine will make it positive and supportive for some sports like football or basketball and so on. In case of a beach, a sun bath is always welcome.

3. What do you think of when we mention the word sunshine?

I have got two things in my head on hearing this word.

First one is that I am standing in a savanna, open and free. Green and long grass wiggles along the wind. A heard of wilder breasts take their first walk in the morning and zebras stand by and watch me. A sudden turmoil shows up and all herbivores have their ears up. They all gaze at one direction and I turn my eyes towards that direction too. A lion, big and strong and glowing, walks towards the herd. Sunshine bounces off its golden mane and glamor rises from its paws of death. When the eyes of the wilder beasts get blind due to the sunshine, the lions makes its pounce.

Second thing I have in my mind at this word is love. I remember from somewhere I came across this sentence or the like, however dark my world might be, a smile from you will bring sunshine and make it bright.

4. Do you like sun bath?

Not really. In my opinion, old people enjoy that, sitting in the sun and talking with neighbors or friends. I mean, they have the time for that and don’t have the bodies for some intense activities like ball games. I am still young and strong so it is not my first choice to bathe in the sun.

5. What technologies do you have concerning the sun?

Well, I am not an expert about technology, but I know we have that solar panels, which absorb power from sun rays and avert it to electricity. Now many lights, e-appliances and cars are using such power. It is called clean energy.


