
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or ICSI, is a form of in vitro fertilization in which fertilization occurs outside of the body. First, egg cells are harvested and transferred to a special media in a laboratory dish. Within a few hours, a single sperm is injected through a fine needle into the center of an egg cell to aid in the process of fertilization. If successful, the cell will divide and form the beginning stages of an embryo. If necessary, the DNA of a single cell from an embryo may be checked to ensure that various genetic disorders are not present. Typically, several egg cells are harvested and fertilized at the same time then inserted back into the uterus to increase the chances that one will implant and develop into a successful pregnancy.


Intracytoplasmic /intrə'saitəplæzəmik/adj. 胞浆内的;胞质内的

vitro /ˈviːtroʊ/adj. 在试管中的;体外的(同 in vitro)

fertilization /ˌfɜːrtələˈzeɪʃn/n. [农] 施肥;[胚] 受精;肥沃

fine needle细针

embryo/ˈembrioʊ/n. [胚] 胚胎;胚芽;初期adj. 胚胎的;初期的

genetic disorders家族遗传疾病

Typically, several egg cells are harvested and fertilized at the same time then inserted back into the uterus to increase the chances that one will implant and develop into a successful pregnancy.通常情况下,几个卵细胞在同一时间被收集并受精,然后再被植入子宫,以增加一个细胞被植入并发育成成功妊娠的几率。



