The operation aims to render the wound free of foreign material and of dead tissue, leaving a clean surgical field and tissues with a good blood supply throughout. Under general anaesthesia the patient’s clothing is removed, while an assistant maintains traction on the injured limb and holds it still. The dressing previously applied to the wound is replaced by a sterile pad and the surrounding skin is cleaned.The pad is then taken off and the wound is irrigated thoroughly with copious amounts of physiological saline. The wound is covered again and the patient’s limb then prepped and draped for surgery.
Many surgeons prefer to use a tourniquet as this provides a bloodless field. However this induces ischaemia in an already badly injured leg and can make it difficult to recognize which structures are devitalized. A compromise is to apply the tourniquet but not to inflate it during the debridement unless absolutely necessary.
Because open fractures are often high-energy injuries with severe tissue damage, the operation should be performed by someone skilled in dealing with both skeletal and soft tissues; ideally this will be a joint effort by orthopaedic and plastic surgeons. The following principles must be observed:
Wound excision The wound margins are excised, but only enough to leave healthy skin edges.
Wound extension Thorough cleansing necessitates adequate exposure; poking around in a small wound to remove debris can be dangerous. If extensions are needed they should not jeopardize the creation of skin flaps for wound cover if this should be needed. The safest extensions are to follow the line of fasciotomy incisions; these avoid damaging important perforator vessels that can be used to raise skin flaps for eventual fracture cover.

23.26 Wound extensions for access in open fractures of the tibia Wound incisions (extensions) for adequate access to an open tibial fracture are made along standard fasciotomy incisions: 1 cm behind the posteromedial border of the tibia and 2–3 cm lateral to the crest of the tibia as shown in this example of a two-incision fasciotomy. The dotted lines mark out the crest (C) and posteromedial corner (PM) of the tibia (a). These incisions avoid injury to the perforating branches that supply areas of skin that can be used as flaps to cover the exposed fracture (b). This clinical example shows how local skin necrosis around an open fracture is excised and the wound extended proximally along a fasciotomy incision (c,d).
Delivery of the fracture Examination of the fracture surfaces cannot be adequately performed without extracting the bone from within the wound. The simplest (and gentlest) method is to bend the limb in the manner in which it was forced at the moment of injury; the fracture surfaces will be exposed through the wound without any additional damage to the soft tissues. Large bone levers and retractors should not be used.

Removal of devitalized tissue Devitalized tissue provides a nutrient medium for bacteria. Dead muscle can be recognized by its purplish colour, its mushy consistency, its failure to contract when stimulated and its failure to bleed when cut. All doubtfully viable tissue, whether soft or bony, should be removed. The fracture ends can be nibbled away until seen to bleed.
Wound cleansing All foreign material and tissue debris is removed by excision or through a wash with copious quantities of saline. A common mistake is to inject syringefuls of fluid through a small aperture – this only serves to push contaminants further in; 6–12 L of saline may be needed to irrigate and clean an open fracture of a long bone. Adding antibiotics or antiseptics to the solution has no added benefit.
Nerves and tendons As a general rule it is best to leave cut nerves and tendons alone, though if the wound is absolutely clean and no dissection is required – and provided the necessary expertise is available – they can be sutured.
---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P707-708
cleansing /'klɛnzɪŋ/n. 彻底清洁;洗清;清洁霜adj. 清洁的;有去污作用的v. 清洗;净化;免除(某人)的罪过;治愈(cleanse 的现在分词)
necessitate /nəˈsesɪteɪt/vt. 使成为必需,需要;迫使
adequate exposure充分暴露
poke/poʊk/n. 戳;刺;袋子;懒汉vt. 刺,捅;戳;拨开vi. 刺,捅;戳;伸出;刺探;闲荡
debris /dəˈbriː/n. 碎片,残骸
jeopardize /ˈdʒepərdaɪz/vt. 危害;使陷危地;使受危困
fasciotomy incisions;筋膜切开术切口;
fasciotomy /fæʃi'ɔtəmi/n. [外科] 筋膜切开术
perforator vessels 穿支血管
perforator /'pə:fəreitə/n. 穿孔器;穿孔员
the crest of the tibia 胫骨脊
crest/krest/n. [物] 波峰;冠;山顶;顶饰vi. 到达绝顶;形成浪峰
dotted lines mark 虚线标记
local skin necrosis 局部皮肤坏死
devitalized tissue 失活组织
a nutrient medium for bacteria细菌的营养培养基
mushy/ˈmʌʃi/adj. 糊状的;感伤的,多愁善感的
consistency /kənˈsɪstənsi/n. [计] 一致性;稠度;相容性
nibble /ˈnɪbl/n. 轻咬;啃;细咬vt. 细咬;一点一点地咬;吹毛求疵
foreign material 异物,外来杂质
saline /ˈseɪliːn/n. 盐溶液;生理盐水adj. 盐的,含盐的;咸的
A common mistake is to inject syringefuls of fluid through a small aperture – this only serves to push contaminants further in。一个常见的错误是通过小孔注入液体----这只会将污染物进一步推入。
aperture /ˈæpərtʃʊr/n. 孔,穴
antibiotics or antiseptics抗生素或防腐剂
n. 解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答
added benefit.额外收益
dissection/dɪˈsekʃn,daɪˈsekʃn/n. 解剖,切开;解剖体;详细查究
suture/ˈsuːtʃər/n. 缝合;缝合处;缝合用的线vt. 缝合
伤口切除 伤口边缘被切除,但只够留下健康的皮肤边缘。
伤口延伸 彻底清洁需要充分暴露;在小伤口周围戳来戳去碎片可能是危险的。如果需要扩张,则不应危及创口皮瓣的制作,如果需要的话。最安全的延长是遵循筋膜切开切口的路线;这些可以避免损伤重要的穿支血管,这些血管可以用来提升皮瓣,以最终覆盖骨折。

