How to Read a Book这本书首次出版于1940年,1972年的时候作者Mortimer J. Adler和Charles Van Doren做了深度的修订。这两位作者都是传奇人物。
Mortimer J. Adler为了想当记者,14岁时从中学辍学去报社打工。为了学习写作他开始上夜校,这时候他读到十九世纪英国重要的思想家John Stuart Mill的自传。知道Mill竟然是在五岁时就读了柏拉图的书后开始为哲学着迷,开始进入哥伦比亚大学进行正式的学习。因为他拒绝上体育课,没有通过必修的游泳测试,从而没能获得学士学位。不过他还是留校任教了。
关于Charles Van Doren,有一个关键词是“quiz show scandal”
Charles Lincoln Van Doren (born February 12, 1926) is an American intellectual, writer, and editor who was involved in a television quiz show scandal in the 1950s. In 1959 he testified before the United States Congress that he had been given the correct answers by the producers of the show Twenty One.
这哥们生于书香门第,自己的经历丰富多彩,毕业后在美国哥伦比亚大学教书。1956年,他参加了一个叫The Twenty One的对决型益智节目,连胜14场,累计赢得奖金129,000美元。一举成名,还上了1957年2月11日的TIME封面。
Charles最后输给了一名律师( Vivienne Nearing), 随后他与NBC的Today Show签了为期三年的合同。在这个节目上他谈诗、论几何,大受欢迎,好莱坞的星探都来找谈拍电影。
两年后开始有人举报The Twenty One节目作弊,选手是预先知道答案的,一切都套路。在经过层层调查之后,Charles说:“I was involved, deeply involved, in a deception.” 之后他丢掉了工作,然后被Alder收留,这才有了我们现在读到的How to Read a Book。
Charles的这件事对美国电视发展有很大的影响,例如自那以后电视节目不得独家赞助,以免为了收视率而操纵节目。他的故事也在1994年被拍成了电影 Quiz Show,IMDB上是这样介绍的:
A young lawyer, Richard Goodwin, investigates a potentially fixed game show. Charles Van Doren, a big time show winner, is under Goodwin's investigation.
类似的一个表达还有rig, 在Vocabulary.com上这样解释
Rig can also describe deceiving people to achieve a certain outcome. Voting multiple times, purposely miscounting the number of votes a person received, even throwing out certain people's votes: these are all ways to rig an election. Outraged people say, "The election was fixed!" This doesn't mean it was repaired; it means it was rigged — fraud played a role in the outcome.
另外big time这个表达也值得学习。勿以词小或词易而不查,如果你从未用过这个表达,认为这个表达很地道想占为己有,那就查一查,嘴上念一念,下次用出来。