【新刊速递】 第31期 | Security Studies Vol.29, No.2, 2020


SECURITY STUDIES《安全研究》收录出版创新性的学术稿件,包括理论研究、实践经验或两者兼有。安全研究包含广泛的议题,从核扩散、核威慑、军民关系、战略文化、种族冲突、流行病与国家安全、民主政治、外交决策到定性与多方法研究的发展。根据2018年的Journal Citation Reports显示,其2018年的影响因子为1.706,在91种国际关系类期刊中排名第30(30/91)。


【编译】晋玉 朱文菡  赵柳希 阮含含 杨帆 丁伟航

【校对】杨帆 虞敷扬 晋玉 缪高意 阮含含

【审核】丁伟航 朱文菡 兰星辰



1. 联盟中的威胁感知和隐藏的概况:以苏伊士为例

Threat Perceptions and Hidden Profiles in Alliances: Revisiting Suez

2. 钓鱼还是捕鲸:解析美国实施经济制裁的变化

Going Fishing versus Hunting Whales: Explaining Changes in How the US Enforces Economic Sanctions

3. 建立安全网:解析前军事网络的力量

Building a Safety Net: Explaining the Strength of Ex-Military Networks

4. 揭秘量子威胁:基础设施、机构和情报优势

Demystifying the Quantum Threat: Infrastructure, Institutions, and Intelligence Advantage

5. 逆势而动:阿联酋和阿拉伯世界军事能力的发展

Bucking the Trend: The UAE and the Development of Military Capabilities in the Arab World

6. 种族冲突与非暴力抵抗的局限

Ethnic Conflict and the Limits of Nonviolent Resistance



【题目】Threat Perceptions and Hidden Profiles in Alliances: Revisiting Suez

【作者】Aaron Rapport(剑桥大学)


什么因素可以用来评价盟友是否对威胁和对手有相同的理解?盟友们可能在没有解答此问题前就推定彼此之间拥有相同的看法,但如果这样就会产生不利后果。一系列的心理偏见会导致政策制定者忽视一个或多个盟友持有的有价值的信息,而去过度讨论各个参与威胁评估的盟友们已经知道的信息。心理学家把这种未(在盟友间)共享的评估(结论)称为“隐藏的概况”(Hidden Profiles):一种并未刻意隐藏但却不为更广泛的群体所知的、对某个问题或威胁的关键特征进行假定的评估性描述。本文以1956年苏伊士运河危机为例,对隐藏侧写模型和其它威胁感知理论进行比较研究。

What factors influence whether allies have the same understandings of threats and adversaries? Allies may infer they share each other’s views without verifying if this is so, with harmful consequences. A set of psychological biases can cause policymakers to neglect valuable information held by one or more allies, and instead disproportionately discuss information that every allied contributor to a threat assessment already knows. Psychologists call the unshared assessments “hidden profiles”: an evaluative profile that postulates key features of a problem or threat, hidden in the sense that it is unintentionally withheld from the wider group. This manuscript compares the hidden-profiles model and alternative theories of threat perception using the 1956 Suez Crisis as a case study






【题目】Going Fishing versus Hunting Whales: Explaining Changes in How the US Enforces Economic Sanctions

【作者】Bryan R. Early(纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校);Keith A. Preble(纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校)



How economic sanctions are enforced undoubtedly affects their chances of success. Yet, to date, a lot remains unknown about how governments actually enforce their sanctions. To shed light on the ways governments enforce their sanctions, we conduct an empirically driven case study of how the lead agency for enforcing economic sanctions in the United States, the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), has enforced US sanctions from 2003 to 2018. Our study begins with an empirical exploration of how OFAC’s enforcement actions originate, what factors correlate with enforcement actions being taken, and what factors contribute to the financial penalties imposed as part of enforcement actions. We find that OFAC engaged in two distinct enforcement strategies during our period of analysis: a “fishing” strategy that involved taking a lot of enforcement actions and imposing small fines during the administration of George W. Bush and a “whale-hunting” strategy that involved pursuing fewer cases but imposing enormous fines during Barack Obama’s administration. Our analysis indicates that the shift in foreign policy emphasis from Cuba to Iran during the Bush administration and how that motivated new legislation to enhance penalties for violating sanctions paved the way for the OFAC to adopt its innovative whale-hunting strategy during the Obama administration. Our study also yields a wealth of new empirical insights into how the United States enforces its sanctions that can contribute to future theory-building efforts.






【题目】Building a Safety Net: Explaining the Strength of Ex-Military Networks

【作者】Anders Themner(乌普萨拉大学);Niklas Karlen(瑞典国防大学)



The disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of excombatants has become an integral part of peacebuilding. Although the main purpose of such interventions is to dissolve the military structures of armed groups, there is growing evidence that ex-combatant networks often remain intact. We investigate why such structures continue to thrive. We argue that ex-military networks are stronger when ex-commanders have weak links to elite patronage systems. Ex-combatants who are unable to rely on their former superiors for economic assistance must instead build denser ties to each other to gain access to a social safety net. To assess our argument, we conduct a comparative social network analysis (SNA) of two ex-military networks in Liberia. This innovative approach helps us uncover previously overlooked, but central, dynamics related to ex-combatant groups. We thereby show that SNA provides a range of underutilized tools and exact definitions that can increase our understanding of ex-military networks.






【题目】Demystifying the Quantum Threat: Infrastructure, Institutions, and Intelligence Advantage

【作者】Jon R. Lindsay(多伦多大学)



In theory, a fully functional quantum computer could break the cryptographic protocols that underwrite cybersecurity everywhere, which would be disastrous for national security, global trade, and civil society. Quantum cryptography, conversely, promises an unprecedented level of security, yet this benefit comes with some danger: revisionist actors with impenetrable communications might be able to conduct surprise attacks and covert conspiracies. In reality, neither of these threat scenarios are likely. Intelligence advantage in political competition depends on the interaction of technological infrastructure with organizational institutions. Robust cryptosystems can be undermined by poor organizational coordination, and careful security policy can compensate for technical vulnerabilities. Scientific innovation in quantum technology only affects one of these dimensions while potentially complicating the other. Even if the formidable engineering challenges of quantum computing can be overcome, signals intelligence collectors will still have to analyze a vast number of decrypts and deliver timely and relevant judgments to interested decision makers. The quantum networks of tomorrow, similarly, will provide little protection for complex organizations that have weak operations security practices. In the practice of intelligence, we should expect classical politics to dominate quantum computing.






【题目】Bucking the Trend: The UAE and the Development of Military Capabilities in the Arab World

【作者】David B. Roberts(伦敦国王学院)


研究阿拉伯世界国家军队的文献几乎无一例外地描绘了他们能力的暗淡图景。一些人认为,根植于“阿拉伯文化”的问题,即所谓的本质主义理论,会致命地削弱军事效力;另一些人则断言,出于政权安全考量领导人会积极促进军队政治化、防止政变,以致最终削弱军事实力。本文通过证明阿联酋部队在敌对战役中反复展示了不同寻常的军事效率和复杂性,对这些文献提出了挑战。本文运用公共政策研究(倡导联盟框架)的方法调查阿联酋军方如何逆势而动。1990年伊拉克入侵科威特是一个“焦点事件”,促使人们重新思考现有方法。关键的“政策企业家”阿布扎比王储穆罕默德·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬(Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan)改变了训练方式,统一了联邦军队,并在具有挑战性的行动中检验了部队,最终催化了关于现有方法的反思。这些发现削弱了对阿拉伯军队挥之不去的本质主义批评,为其他国家提供了效仿的潜在途径,证明了有安全感和积极性的领导人能够克服对防止政变的担忧,并展示了从公共政策到安全研究的各种方法论成果。

The literature examining national militaries in the Arab world paints a near-universally bleak picture of their capabilities. Some argue issues rooted in “Arab culture”—so-called essentialist rationales—fatally undermine military effectiveness. Others assert that regime security concerns encourage leaders to actively politicize, coup-proof, and consequently weaken their military. This article challenges these literatures by demonstrating that United Arab Emirates (UAE) forces have repeatedly exemplified unusual levels of military effectiveness and sophistication in hostile campaigns. Using approaches from public policy studies (the Advocacy Coalition Framework), this paper investigates how the UAE military bucked the trend. The 1990 invasion of Kuwait was a “focusing event” that prompted a rethink of existing approaches. Catalyzed, a key “policy entrepreneur,” Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, changed approaches to training, unified federal militaries, and tested forces in challenging operations. Such findings undercut lingering essentialist critiques of Arab militaries, provide a potential pathway for other states to emulate, demonstrate that secure and motivated leaders can overcome coup-proofing concerns, and showcase the fruitful pollination of methodologies from public policy to security studies.






【题目】Ethnic Conflict and the Limits of Nonviolent Resistance

【作者】Costantino Pischedda(迈阿密大学)



Recent research shows that campaigns of nonviolent resistance are much more successful in producing radical political change than armed rebellion. I argue that the study of nonviolent resistance has paid insufficient attention to a key condition for success—a shared ethnic identity between challengers and government.When challengers and incumbent belong to different ethnic groups, the prospects of campaign success are drastically curtailed, as this situation of“ethnic conflict”inhibits the mechanisms through which nonviolent resistance enables success: emergence of a critical mass of challengers, defection of segments of the security apparatus and the regime inner circle, and development of feelings of sympathy for the opposition cause among key government decision makers. Statistical analysis of all nonviolent campaigns from 1945 to 2006 supports my argument. Nonviolent ethnic campaigns are significantly and substantially less likely to succeed and draw both fewer participants and government defectors than their nonethnic counterparts.




