皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art)作为世界级的艺术与设计学院,也是迄今历史最悠久的艺术教育机构之一,学院被誉为全球艺术与设计大师的摇篮,学术声誉冠冕全球。在QS艺术类学术声誉评估指标中,是全球唯一多年蝉联满分的学校。

Innovation Design Engineering


Your portfolio is a showcase of your work as an artist or designer and can be made up of images, videos or writing examples. Your portfolio helps us to better understand your application and allows you to show evidence of your ability and motivation to undertake a given programme.
Generally, we’re looking for you to demonstrate your:
Creativity, imagination and innovation
Ability to articulate the intentions of the work
Intellectual engagement in areas relevant to the work
Technical skills appropriate to the work
Potential to benefit from the programme

Global Innovation Design


Your portfolio is a showcase of your work as an artist or designer and can be made up of images, videos or writing examples. Your portfolio helps us to better understand your application and allows you to show evidence of your ability and motivation to undertake a given programme.
Generally, we’re looking for you to demonstrate your:
Creativity, imagination and innovation
Ability to articulate the intentions of the work
Intellectual engagement in areas relevant to the work
Technical skills appropriate to the work
Potential to benefit from the programme
We are looking for people genuinely motivated to bring positive change to the world through design-led innovation. We want you to compile a single document (PDF, maximum 20 pages) showing us a diverse range of projects, from previous studies, professional work, or self initiated . Demonstrate clear written and visual articulation, and an engagement with issues that matter to you. If you’re a designer, select a few of your most creative, original and ingenious pieces of work, including something of your process and decisions, the skills and tools used, as well as its purpose and final outcome.
If you're not a designer, don’t worry - show us how you’ve achieved excellence in your own field, communicate it visually, and make it personal, evidencing your unique creativity, in whatever form this may take.
In both cases we are interested in how you think, your desire to learn new skills, and your ability to build and grow your ideas.

MA Service Design


Your portfolio is a showcase of your work as an artist or designer and can be made up of images, videos or writing examples. Your portfolio helps us to better understand your application and allows you to show evidence of your ability and motivation to undertake a given programme.
Generally, we’re looking for you to demonstrate your:
Creativity, imagination and innovation
Ability to articulate the intentions of the work
Intellectual engagement in areas relevant to the work
Technical skills appropriate to the work
Potential to benefit from the programme

Service Design专业共包含50组设计
Information Experience Design


Your portfolio is a showcase of your work as an artist or designer and can be made up of images, videos or writing examples. Your portfolio helps us to better understand your application and allows you to show evidence of your ability and motivation to undertake a given programme.
Generally, we’re looking for you to demonstrate your:
Creativity, imagination and innovation
Ability to articulate the intentions of the work
Intellectual engagement in areas relevant to the work
Technical skills appropriate to the work
Potential to benefit from the programme

Design Products

Design Products项目的设计风格多元化,包含各类产品设计的方法。在这个项目中,学生可以展示出鲜明的个人和团队特色,这些独特性正在形成的新的设计趋势,以塑造技术与社会之间的未来联系。Design Products项目鼓励学生通过宣讲、参与、挑战和质疑人、地点、技术、事件和系统来具象和验证自己的想法,主张扩展设计实践的界限,从而面对各种全球性的挑战。

Your portfolio is a showcase of your work as an artist or designer and can be made up of images, videos or writing examples. Your portfolio helps us to better understand your application and allows you to show evidence of your ability and motivation to undertake a given programme.
Generally, we’re looking for you to demonstrate your:
Creativity, imagination and innovation
Ability to articulate the intentions of the work
Intellectual engagement in areas relevant to the work
Technical skills appropriate to the work
Potential to benefit from the programme