支招大作文 | 可别是极端的动物保护者呀


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In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?





The use of the fur of animals is arguably unnecessary. However, animals may still be eaten, and there may be no better replacements of some parts of an animal as the material for special clothes or for medications.


Animal meat is the chief source of protein as the essential nutrient for the human body. Since humans have not found the alternative source, it is unfair and it is not the time yet to ask humans not to eat animals. In addition, the nature’s law allows humans to feed on animals, since humans are at the top of the food chain.


Admittedly, it is cruel to strip [这个动词,形象了呢。] animals of their fur since the stripping takes the life, it is however reasonable to harvest [根据笔者的经验,“烤鸭”们很可能不会这个动词。] wool or collect [根据笔者的经验,“烤鸭”们很可能不会这个动词。] feathers of ducks or geese, because wool and feathers are renewable. The utilization of wool and feathers has been century-long practice as humans have been making woolen clothes or down coats to keep warm.


At this point, medicines made from animals make the only contentious issue. However, it is better to cure diseases that torture humans than to stand aside and watch humans suffer. As a matter of fact, it is rare that animals’ body parts or organs are taken off to produce medicines, and instead, it is the chemicals the organs secret that are used to medicinal [这个形容词,许多“烤鸭”不会,但是在雅思阅读真题里出现过多次哟。] purposes.

In light of the above, the bottom line is that humans do not take the life of an animal or threaten the survival or reproduction of the endangered species. Within the boundaries, it is plausible to use animals for food or use animal products, such as clothing and medicines.



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