抢鲜看|CES TEMS 2019年第3期目次更新


《中国电工技术学会电机与系统学报(英文)》由中国科学技术协会主管、中国电工技术学会和中国科学院电工研究所共同主办、IEEE PELS学会技术支持的英文学术期刊。

CES TEMS 发表国内外有关高性能电机系统、电机驱动、电力电子、可再生能源系统、电气化交通等研发及应用领域中原创的、前沿学术论文。期刊主编由中国工程院院士马伟明担任,IEEE执委Don Tan博士任国际主编。

Special Section on Electric Machines and Control for Vehicle Applications

  • Hybrid excited permanent magnet machines for electric and hybrid electric vehicles

  • Hybrid excitation flux switching motor with permanent magnet placed at middle of field coil slots and high filling factor windings

  • Influence of inner/outer stator pole ratio and relative position on electromagnetic performance of partitioned stator switched flux permanent magnet machines

  • Visualization and quantitative evaluation of eddy current loss in bar-wound type permanent magnet synchronous motor for mild-hybrid vehicles

  • Rotor optimization for synchronous reluctance motors

Regular paper

  • System-level efficiency optimization of a linear induction motor drive system

  • Study on vector magnetic properties of magnetic materials using hybrid hysteresis model

  • Experimental and numerical studies of a linear synchronous motor with the secondary made of coated superconductor

  • A novel soft start method of super large capacity high voltage motor

  • FEM based electromagnetic signature analysis of winding inter-turn short-circuit fault in inverter fed induction motor

  • Effects of voltage sag on the performance of induction motor based on a new transient sequence component method

