a drop in the bucket,除了“桶里的一滴”的意思,还有其他寓意

有些英语短语一看就能猜出它的寓意,因为它的字面意思跃然纸上,很容易让人联想到它的寓意,如 big mouth 或 white lie 等等;学此类的短语,可以说是事半功倍,越学越喜欢,唯一需要注意的就是如何把它们实际中。

Big mouth,字面意思是”大嘴巴“,用来比喻管不住嘴巴、多嘴或嘴巴不严的人,用来形容别人话多丝毫不会敌意,可以意为”大嘴巴,嘴巴不严,话多“等,例如:
She is/has such a big mouth.
Your big mouth will get yourself killed sometimes.

White lie,字面意思是“白色谎言”,是一种为了不伤害别人的感情而存在的一种谎言,相信每个人都撒过这种谎,例如:
To keep him peaceful, the doctor told him a white lie.
We all know it's only a white lie, so don't take it so seriously.

还有如 a drop in the bucket,字面意思是“桶里的一滴”,很明显相比于可以装千千万万的水桶来说,一滴是微不足道的,因此 a drop in the bucket 用来比喻不重要的、微不足道的或整体中很小的一部分等,意思相当于 insignificant 或 unimportant 等,例如:
I cleaned for eight hours today, but that's just a drop in the bucket of the work I need to do to get this house cleaned and organized.
I shouldn't be surprised I failed the class. The studying I did was a drop in the bucket of the requirements and I never went to class either.

A drop in the bucket 是 a drop in the ocean 的前任,它们两个意思是一样的,因此可以类似地意为”沧海一粟,杯水车薪“等,例如:
The size of the grants have been attacked by welfare groups as merely a drop in the ocean.
The amount of mercury would be minuscule, a drop in the bucket compared to natural sources such as bacteria in soils.
A drop in th ocean 最早出现在《爱丁堡周刊 The Edinburgh Weekly Journal》,例如:
The votes for the appointment of Bonaparte to be Chief Consul for life are like a drop in the ocean compared with the aggregate of the population of France.

这两个习语跟 the tip of the iceberg 很类似,它意为”冰山一角“,可想而知是多么的渺小,例如:
We get about 1,000 complaints every year and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
These small local parades are just the tip of the iceberg.
在学会了以上习语后,终于可以告别用 small,little 或 unimportant 等来形容小或不重要的时态了,分分钟提高自己的英语水平;但是知道归知道,要放飞所学的才是学以致用,因为你不说别人怎么知道呢?
