【会议邀请】博古睿讲座16 | 大数据对科学的底层思维之挑战


Berggruen Seminars 16

讲座 | Lecture


Challenges Posed by Big Data on the Foundations of Scientific Thinking

对话背景 | Event Background


Science is rooted in the human pursuit of certainty. Its practitioners seek to render worldly phenomena understandable, explicable, and manipulable. This pursuit of certainty manifests mainly as an inquiry into causal relationships underpinning the occurrence and development of phenomena. Scientific thinking is originally built upon the notion of determinism.

However, the advent of big data has created huge challenges for determinism. Interconnectivity and mutual influence have created an open and borderless Internet of Things. As such, the essential relationship between things is no longer causal, but correlative. Causality is merely a scientific illusion of the “small data era”. Big data’s rise will necessitate a shift toward “iteration” of knowledge rather than “a complete certainty of the truth”— an old-fashioned idea from the classical science era.

内容主题 | Key Discussion Topics

  • 如何平衡科学的开放性与完备性之间的关系?

  • 能否通过经验或者实验获得满足因果关系的必要充分条件?

  • 如何区分或者界定小数据和大数据?

  • How can we seek a balance between openness and completeness in the realm of scientific inquiry?

  • Can methods of experience and experiment yield outcomes that reliably determine cause and effect?

  • How should we define “small data?” What distinguishes it from “big data?”

主讲嘉宾 | Speaker


  • 中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心研究员

1994年在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院获博士学位。1994-1997在美国纽约州立大学健康科学中心从事博士后研究。现任国科大杭州高等研究院生命与健康科学学院执行院长,中科院系统生物学重点实验室主任;浙江省系统健康科学重点实验室(培育)主任。《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》主编;《BMC Systems Biology》副主编;《生命的化学》副主编,《医学与哲学》副主编。中国生物化学与分子生物学会分子系统生物学专业委员会主任委员;国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部第八届专家咨询委员会委员。国家杰出青年基金获得者(1998),中科院百人计划入选者(1998);上海市领军人才入选者(2009)。


WU Jiarui

  • Researcher, Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

After receiving his Ph.D. from ETH Zürich in 1994, Dr. Wu Jiarui served as a postdoctoral researcher at the State University of New York Health Science Center until 1997. Currently, he is the executive dean of the School of Life and Health Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) Hangzhou; director of the UCAS Hangzhou Advanced Research Institute; director of the Zhejiang Province System Health Science Primary Laboratory; editor-in-chief of the Journal of Molecular Cell Biology; associate editor of BMC Systems Biology; associate editor of Chemistry of Life; and associate editor of Medicine & Philosophy. Dr. Wu chairs the professional committee at the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He is also a member of the Eighth Expert Advisory Committee in the chemical sciences division of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In 1998, he received a grant from the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and was selected for the Hundred Talents Program at CAS. In 2009, he was named as one of Shanghai’s leading talents.

Dr. Wu’s laboratory uses systems biology methods to study the molecular mechanisms behind the appearance and evolution of chronic diseases such as diabetes and tumors. He has published over 100 research papers in international academic journals.

主持嘉宾 | Moderator


  • 北京大学生命科学学院教授

  • 2020-2021博古睿学者


BAI Shunong

  • Professor, School of Life Sciences at Peking University

  • 2020-2021 Berggruen Fellow

Bai Shunong is a professor at the School of Life Sciences, Peking University. Since his postgraduate training in 1983, Professor Bai’s experimental research on plant development has led him to form original perspectives on plant cultivation. He believes that it is necessary to revive the views held by founders of modern botany — such that plants are not individual organisms like animals; instead, they are an “aggregate” of many “individuals”. The “Plant Morphology 123” theory he proposed regarding plant development integrates recent novel concepts such as “plant development unit”, “sexual reproduction cycle”, and “plant development program” into a fixed system. While trying to understand the internal dynamics of plant development, Bai Shunong has also developed a keen interest in exploring the nature of life. He believes that the question: “what does 'living’ mean?” is fundamental to understanding life. In cooperation with two mathematicians, he proposed that the essence of 'living' is, in fact the 'structure for energy cycle'.

时间 | Time

2021.09.28 19:00-20:30 | 北京时间 Beijing Time

观众日程 | Agenda

19:00 – 19:05 开场简介|Opening Remarks

19:05 – 19:50 主旨演讲|Keynote Speech

19:50 – 20:30 观众问答|Q & A

报名方式 | Registration


Please scan to register for the seminar at OWSpace Dongfeng

直播平台 | Streaming Platform

哔哩哔哩 Bilibili 


扫码观看 Scan to Watch

语言 | Language

中文 Chinese

主办单位 | Language

北京大学博古睿研究中心 | 思想改变世界


Berggruen Research Center, Peking University | Ideas for a changing world

The Berggruen Research Center is a hub for East-West research and dialogue dedicated to the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary study of the transformations affecting humanity. Intellectual themes focus on frontier technologies and society—specifically in artificial intelligence, the microbiome and gene editing as well as issues involving global governance and globalization.


