
“Obviously”, came the cold reply. “But why were you hired, Miss Fisher? That’s what I want to know. I mean , did you just walk in and flash your dimples at dear old Geoff Lewis , or did he specially come looking for you, or what? Where did you hear about the job in the first place?”

Determined not to falter again beneath that steely gaze, Dinah took a deep, slow breath before replying.”My uncle ...”

“Nepotism!”He spat on the words as if it tasted bad. “I swear if it wans’t for nepotism there wouldn’t be any people at all in the televison industry .Tell me ,dear child, who is your uncle----the janitor , or the chairman of the board’s forty -second cousin?” His voice , still alarmingly soft, dripped sarcasm she could almost see.

“My uncle is --was --Jonathan Fisher, a thoroughly well respected journalist here in Canberra,” she shot back.” And I don’t know anything whatsoever about nepotism. I was given to understand there was a job here that was within my qualifications.” Anger had dwarfed her fear and confusion; she was glaring back at Conan Garth through eyes that sparkled like emeralds.

“Right !Well, since you know so much,Miss Fisher, perhaps you'd be kind enough to explain just what kind of qualifications you have that would be of the slightest possible use to me." Once again his eyes roamed over her slim figure, probing with such intensity that Dinah felt she might as well be naked.

"Secretarial qualifications, of course," she restored with downcast eyes. "I type, I have excellent shorthand, I've been told I have an excellent telephone presence..."

He interrupted."How long have you been in Canberra?"

"Three days, but..."


“很明显”,他冷冷地回答。“但是,你为什么被录用了呢,费雪小姐?那是我想知道的事情。 我的意思是,你只是走了进来,把你的酒窝对着亲爱的乔夫 刘易斯扑闪了几下,还是他特地来找你,或者什么?你从哪里第一个听说这个工作的?“



“我的叔叔是——乔纳森 费雪,一位在堪培拉非常受人尊敬的记者,”她回击道。“我对所谓的裙带关系一无所知。我只是被告知,这里有一份在我专业范围内的工作。”愤怒不再使她感到恐惧或困惑;她的眼睛像绿宝石一样闪闪发光,怒视着柯南 咖仕。






