
You speak of Bhuta shuddhi,or cleansing of the elements,and that our body is 72% water. What is a simple way we can purify this dominant element within us?

问:您说过元素净化(Bhuta Shuddhi),以及我们的身体72%是水,那么,有什么简单的方法可以净化我们身体内的水元素吗?


And as a part of this,in Tamilnadu we havebeen encouraging people to use copper vessels,pure copper vessels becausecopper is such a..you know it is the best conducting metal and it energizes thewater.Energizing, if you check the chemical composition it will not change.Thatis the beauty of it.It is only the molecular strucuture of water that willchange.You might have experienced this.Suppose you ever ..is there a waterfallin Narmada anywhere?There is a waterfall.If the water isfalling like let us say over twenty, twenty five feet and just after thewaterfall if you just touch the water you will find water is silky for touch,have you noticed this?Because water implodes within itself and the molecularstructure changes the way it feels is different.


Today they have created what is called aswater imploding machines.You can implode the water with a machine. It justchurns it in a certain way and implodes it.It has been found that if you usewater imploding machines with ten percent of the water you can grow the plantsthe same way as you are growing. The water consumption will come down with tenpercent of water the plants will yield the same because the imploded waterbecomes silky and it's abilitiy to become a part of the plant system or tree ismuch much better.So if you are in agriculture, imploding machines can come itssome people have patented it in UK. We are trying to bring some machines andgive the service to the local farmers in Tamilnadu so that people can useimploded water and their water consumption in the fields will come downdramatically because how long you pump the water electiricity not being freethese days it gets very expensive for the farmers.If the amount of water heneeds to pump on his field is much less,it will make a very difference.


For daily consumption just a copper vessel everydayif you have something if you light a lamp next to it, if necessary, just oneflower the very way the water behaves within you will change and when beforeyou consume just one one moment of gratitude and reverence because this is thematerial with which you are making your life.Not with some unknown god. This isthe material that makes your life every moment and how you treat is veryimportant in your emotion in your thought if you hold water as if you... youdon't even have to think Devi stuff you just understand the reality, the factof it is without it we cannot survive. Yes? Whatever is the basis of yoursurvival, you bow down isn't it? So the water, the food...just...bringing thatreverence you will see the volume that you consume will also come down and theway it behaves within you will come down. If you don't catch an infection ifyou treat these elements properly, as I said earlier, most probably you won'tsee a doctor's face unless you are one.


Sadhguru: You know, in the world,we arebuilding medical infrastructure in such a way that today, all of us areexpecting some day we will all be seriously ill.It need not be so (Laughs).Ifyou live with Narmadaji (Referring to the river Narmada) it need not be so(Laughs).And not just her, there’re many others.It need not be so if you know howto manage the elements.If not all of them,it’s very easy to bring water and airinto your control.These are the two elements, which are easily accessible.Ifyou do this combination well,and little conscious about what you consume,youwill never go to the doctor.


There was a time,for the whole town thereused to be one doctor and it was enough.Today, every street has five doctorsand it’s not enough.This shows how we are living.When we forget how to live,whenwe do not respect what makes our life –the earth… that we walk upon,air that webreathe,water that we drink,the very sky that holds us in place –when we haveno respect and reverence for that,how they behave within us is very different.


Today, there is substantial scientificevidence to show that water has tremendous memory.If you just generate athought looking at the water,the molecular structure of the water will change.Justa look –the molecular structure of the water will change.If you touch it, itwill change.How you touch it, is very important.So, now for example,they’rekeeping it in a copper vessel with a flower on top of it because this is thegod.What other god?If you don’t drink water for one day,this is the only god,no other god (Laughs), isn’t it?So how you treat the water,the memory remainsfor a long period.So before we consume it or before it touches our body,how wetreat the water, changes the quality of everything in our system.


This is a science we’ve always known buttoday, modern science has done enormous amount of experimentation on this.Nowthey’re saying water is a liquid computer.The volume of memory and intelligencethis carries by itself,it is a liquid computer.This is what they’re saying,it’s a fluid computer.We’ve always known this.What is called as theerth,why forone drop of water people go and stand in a temple is because it has the memoryof the divine.You want to take that into your system.If the deity is powerful,andthe water has touched the deity,it has the memory of the divine,you want thatto enter your system.But being in a pure space like this, it’s a blessing.Thereare certain ways with which you can be in the water.If one does that,everyailment,all chronic ailments will go.


There are infectious diseases and chronicailments.Infectious diseases are an invasion from outside,other organisms areentering our body and troubling us.For this, you need a doctor.You needwarfare,you have to bomb them out,chemical warfare is normally what we’redoing.But over seventy percent of human ailments are self-help.We manufacturethat within our system.This is simply because fundamentally, the way we are treatingthe elements within ourselves and around ourselves,The so-called modern lifehas absolutely no reverence to the substances which make our life.Thelife-making material is being treated badly and we are expecting it’ll behavewell within us and it will not.


So, being here at Narmada,it’s time webring back this culture because it’s gone a full circle.Now modern science isinsisting that water,the way you treat it is the way it’s going to behavewithin you.And we must learn to treat it well.If we want to be healthy,if wewant to be well,if we want to be successful,if we want to be prosperous –forall these things it’s important,the elements within you cooperate.If they don’tcooperate, nothing will work.


