

In the antique market, the number of coins in existence determines its price, "the scarcity is the value"; It depends not only on whether the age is long, the length of circulation time, but also on the amount of existence. Chinese coins have a history of nearly 5,000 years. From the pre-Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, there are tens of thousands of varieties. The pre-Qin coins, such as those of Qi, Yan and Zhao, are rare and expensive due to their long history.


Over the past decade or so, coin collection has always been the focus of coin markets around the world. Today, as one of the non-renewable resources, the coins of the Republic of China period still maintain their original charm, showing extremely high "value".


Double flag currency produced in the period of the republic of China, in the Chinese history of the republic of China only existed for decades, as a result, in war-torn s, coin after the endless years, can still complete retention, is not easy, has the very high collection value of cultural relics, historical and cultural value and artistic value of tasting.


The period of the Republic of China is a symbol of the ancient Chinese feudal dynasty from prosperity to decline of the witness, is also a door to open the world to knock on the modern process of the pioneer. During this period, the double flag coin came into being. It was not only a witness of the founding of the Republic of China, but also a circulating currency, a commemorative coin with historical significance, and its status was extraordinary. The biggest difference between the coins issued by the Republic of China and those of the Qing Dynasty is that the dragon pattern is replaced by the Jiahe pattern composed of rice ears. Most of the coins minted by the provinces are two crossed national flags. Thus it can be seen that the double flag coin of the Republic of China is a precious physical witness of the historical period, with epoch-making commemorative significance.

此枚双旗币为“湖南省造当钱二十文双旗铜币”,重:9 g,直径:32 mm;此枚为“二十文双旗铜币”,重量:9 g,直径:32;该铜币正面为“二十文双旗铜币”。背部图案由稻穗组成,四周用英文标注“TWENTYCASH”。此种铜钱现存数量较少,具有极高的收藏与投资价值。

This double flag coin is a "double flag copper coin made in Hunan province when making money", this double flag coin 20 copper yuan weight: 9g, diameter: 32mm; The central pattern of the front of the copper coin is two crossed national flags, the top is "made in Hunan Province" 4 words, the following is the value: when making money 20 copper yuan. The pattern on the back is Jiahe grain composed of rice ears, and there is an English label "Twenty Cash" around it. This copper coin in existence is not much, has a high collection and investment value.







