英语原版阅读:My name is Maisie Hall



1. My name is Maisie Hall and I've got five brothers and sisters!


five brothers and sisters 五个兄弟姐妹

2. Life in our house is fun, but it's difficult, too.


3. On school days I get up very early at six o'clock in the morning.


On school days上学的日子get up 起床get up very early 起得很早at six o'clock 六点钟in the morning早上

4. I don't have a shower straight away.


have a shower 没有冲澡don't have a showerstraight away马上

5. I have my breakfast first.


have my breakfast 先吃早餐

6. Our family is big so we don't have breakfast together.


7. After breakfast I have a shower and get dressed.


After breakfast 早餐后have a shower 洗个澡get dressed 穿好衣服

8. I only have five minutes in the bathroom before my sister knocks on the door!


five minutes 5分钟in the bathroom 在浴室my sister 我妹妹knocks on the door 敲门

9. At eight o'clock we go to school in our minibus.


At eight o'clock 八点钟go to school 去学校in our minibus 乘面包车

10. It's got ten seats, it's big and it's fun!


ten seats 十个座位

11. School starts at half past eight and we go home at three o'clock in the afternoon.


half past eight 八点半go home 回家at three o'clock 三点钟in the afternoon 在下午

12. After school I don't watch TV.


After school 放学后watch TV 看电视don't watch TV 不看电视

13. I tidy the living room and I play with my brothers and sisters.


tidy the living room 整理客厅play with my brothers and sisters 和我的兄弟姐妹玩

14. We have dinner all together at six o'clock in the evening.


have dinner 吃晚饭at six o'clock 六点in the evening 在晚上

15. My baby brother goes to bed at seven o'clock and my brothers and sisters go to bed at eight o'clock.


My baby brother 我的小弟弟goes to bed 上床睡觉at seven o'clock 七点钟my brothers and sisters 我的兄弟姐妹at eight o'clock 八点钟

16. Then I can study!


17. From eight to nine o'clock in the evening I do my homework, read a book or watch TV with my parents.


From eight to nine o'clock八点到九点in the evening 晚上do my homework 做作业read a book 看书watch TV with my parents 和我的父母看电视

18. After that, I brush my teeth and go to bed.


brush my teeth 刷牙go to bed 上床睡觉


My name is Maisie Hall.mp31:15

My name is Maisie Hall and I've got five brothers and sisters! Life in our house is fun, but it's difficult, too. On school days I get up very early at six o'clock in the morning. I don't have a shower straight away. I have my breakfast first. Our family is big so we don't have breakfast together. After breakfast I have a shower and get dressed. I only have five minutes in the bathroom before my sister knocks on the door!

At eight o'clock we go to school in our minibus. It's got ten seats, it's big and it's fun! School starts at half past eight and we go home at three o'clock in the afternoon. After school I don't watch TV. I tidy the living room and I play with my brothers and sisters.

We have dinner all together at six o'clock in the evening. My baby brother goes to bed at seven o'clock and my brothers and sisters go to bed at eight o'clock.

Then I can study! From eight to nine o'clock in the evening I do my homework, read a book or watch TV with my parents. After that, I brush my teeth and go to bed.






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