


The oxathiolane ring in lamivudine for instance can be prepared via an acetal exchange reaction between glyoxilic acid monohydrate and 1,4-dithiane-2,5-diol.

Subsequent acetylation of the hydroxy group followed by ester formation using (−)-L-menthol permits crystallisation separation of the two diastereoisomers.

The use of bis-TBDMS-cytosine as a coupling partner in the presence of trimethylsilyl iodide together with oxathiolane 3.15 produces lamivudine  after reduction of the menthyl ester.


The central pyrimidone core was accessed in a linear fashion starting by amination of acetone cyanohydrin (3.19) followed by CBz-protection of the resulting amine and finally aminolysis of the nitrile 3.20 with hydroxylamine.

The resulting amidoxime 3.21 was then reacted with dimethylacetylene dicarboxylate (DMAD) which upon heating in xylenes undergoes ring-closure yielding the desired pyrimidine 3.22 but unfortunately only in modest yield.

However, this key intermediate could be readily N-methylated, and in a simple extension to the sequence subjected to direct amide formation, debenzylation and finally coupled with the corresponding acid chloride of oxadiazole derivative 3.23.

This particular oxadiazole 3.23 was prepared via a clever sequence involving acylation of methyl tetrazole (3.24) with ethyl oxalylchloride (3.25) to form intermediate 3.26 which when heated extrudes nitrogen gas and subsequently collapses to the desired oxadiazole 3.23, all progressing in high yield.


In a patented route the aldol product 3.47 undergoes a condensation reaction with guanidine 3.48 in basic media to give the 2-aminopyrimidine 3.49.

After generating the functional pyrimidine core a hydrazine-mediated reduction of the nitro group in the side chain was conducted with Raney-Nickel as the catalyst. Amide formation with 4-chloromethylbenzoyl chloride (3.50) and a direct displacement of the benzylic chloride with N-methylpiperazine complete this synthesis of imatinib in excellent overall yields.


The structure feature of this compound is the trisubstituted quinazoline core bearing an aniline moiety and two polyether appendages. A representative route to 3.37 enlists ethyl 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate (3.59) which after double etherification and incorporation of an amine was then subjected to a condensation reaction with formamide (3.60) at elevated temperature.

Chlorination of the resulting quinazolinone 3.61 with phosphorous oxychloride in the presence of N,N-dimethylaniline ultimately generates the starting material for the final SNAr reaction with 3-aminophenylacetylene (3.62) and completes the optimised synthesis of 3.37.


It consists of a 2,5-disubstituted furan ring, which is directly linked to the aminoquinazoline unit. The quinazoline heterocycle was prepared starting from 5-iodoanthranilic acid (3.72) via initial condensation with formamidine acetate (3.73) followed by chlorination using oxalyl chloride or phosphorous oxychloride.

Performing a nucleophilic aromatic substitution on the chloride 3.74 with aniline 3.75 renders the extended core of lapatinib. This intermediate (3.76) was then coupled with 5-formyl-2-furanoboronic acid (3.77) using standard Suzuki cross-coupling conditions. Finally, a reductive amination of the pendant aldehyde of 3.78 with 2-(methylsulfonyl) ethylamine (3.79) furnishes the desired product lapatinib.


A classical cyclocondensation strategy converting 4-fluorobenzaldehyde(1.46) and an α-ketoester 3.81 to the desired pyrimidine system 3.82 utilising S-methylisothiourea hemisulfate(3.83) with a DDQ-mediated dehydrogenation.

Oxidation of the thioether 3.82 followed by nucleophilic aromatic substitution and subsequent mesylation installs the sulfonamide moiety 3.83, after which the ester on the pyrimidine was converted to the required aldehyde functionality 3.84, then allowing for the introduction of the side chain 3.85 via a Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons olefination.

The newly furnished advanced intermediate 3.86 was next desilylated and subjected to a Narasaka reduction yielding rosuvastatin after saponification and formation of the calcium salt.

(内容摘自:Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 2265–2319.)

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