看到文章:Mol Biol Cell. 2004 Jun; 题目是:Different gene expression patterns in invasive lobular and ductal carcinomas of the breast. 使用基因芯片技术,测了 21 ILCs, 38 IDCs, two lymph node metastases, and three normal tissues 样本的表达信息,最后全文的落脚点是 ILCs 和 IDCs的差异表达情况:
Many of the differentially expressed genes between ILCs and IDCs code for proteins involved in cell adhesion/motility, lipid/fatty acid transport and metabolism, immune/defense response, and electron transport.

Hierarchical clustering of the 64 samples was performed using the selected 4539 clones representing 3341genes whose expression varied more than threefold from the overall mean abundance in at least three samples (Figure 1).
浸润性导管癌(IDC)是最常见的乳腺癌类型,起源于乳腺导管,突破管壁后浸润到乳腺的脂肪组织。因此,IDC 可以通过淋巴系统或血液扩散(转移)到身体其他部位。大约 10 例浸润性乳腺癌中有 8 例是 IDC。
浸润性小叶癌(ILC)起源于乳腺小叶,与 IDC 类似,ILC 也可以扩散(转移)到身体的其他部分。大约 10 例浸润性乳腺癌中有 1 例是 ILC。相比于 IDC,ILC 难通过钼靶筛查出来。
那么这样的 ILCs 和 IDCs的差异是否是病理性的差异呢?还是组织特异性差异?
不过发表在 Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Aug;1文章题目是:Gene expression profiling of tumour epithelial and stromal compartments during breast cancer progression.对17个病人的87个FFPE样本进行表达量检测,包括:
IDC-S (<3 mm from IDC),
DCIS-S (<3 mm from DCIS)
breast cancer associated-normal stroma (BC-NS; >10 mm from IDC or DCIS)

主要是分析差异基因:42 and 16 genes were up- and down-regulated in DCIS compared to IDC
虽然差异基因还是统计学检验得到的,但它真的是 DCIS和IDC的病理性差异吗?
