
English title:

To mum:

If there is another choice, I wish I was not born;

But there is none, so at least we have each other.

2020.03.08 17:44

跑到格林尼治后,我请路人帮我拍的#每个人的平等 女性日主题照片

I asked a stranger to help for this #EachforEqual photo after I ran to Greenwich


A letter to my mum, also every woman and girl shackled by 'good’.


My dearest Mum,


Have you ever imagined a different life? If you were firmer, went further, would you have a better life than now? Maybe you will not be someone's wife, someone's mother, but you are more likely to be "Oshin" that you always want to be.


Maybe even you once thought about other possibilities, yet you still think that you need to face the reality and try your best to live your current life. But are these daily routines you do necessary for your wellbeing? Should you be the one to do all of these?


If I have a time machine and I can use it for three times, I hope that first, I can go back to the age when you were at age 9, so we can be best friends and I can walk with you at the evening when you have to walk to another house to sleep with your grandmother, and I can give a pair of glass so you can wear, instead of pretending that you can see the characters clearly on the blackboard.


The second time I will choose to go back to your age 18, I can tell you to watch out when you help workers to buildthe new house. And I am to push you read more books and newspapers, less TV series and think more. If you already wear the glasses, that would be the best. If not, I will force you to wear. I will be at your side to tell you not to give up your study, the world is more than this village. The most important thing is that I will take you and aunty to talk about life. I want to tell you and aunty your good traits and potential, I would like to take part in planning your future, to support you two in formulating the courage and power to ask for something, not just accept.


If I have a time machine, yet I failed the previous two times, I would definitely try to stop you from meeting my father. And if I succeeded in the previous two times, probably you would already meet a partner who cherishes you.


Sadly, I do not have a time machine. I can tell that your life would be much better if you had glasses in school, talked with aunty when you were both young adults, did not marry my father. I would like to inform you that education, the friendship between family siblings and love are three things that you should pay more attention to, pay more attention to these three. I wish that you can realise as early as possible how important education can be to your growth, family (in particular siblings) can be your strong support, and you really should spend more time on knowing someone thoroughly, do not rush when people told you that you are at an age to get married.


However, I cannot undo what life has been done to you. But at least I can tell you something if not too late, I can let you know that you are a superb wonderful person and I am incredibly lucky that I get to know you in this way:

1.     你是一个有责任心的人,因此在周围的人看来你是值得信任、靠得住的;

You are a responsible person, so people around you always find you trustworthy


I think sometimes you are being too responsible, sometimes you are doing things that should not be done by you, and you are surrounded by 'giant babies’, and you still take care and tolerate them. For example, I do not think housework and meals should be one person’s duty, unless someone is living like me all by myself.

2. 你的座右铭是贵在坚持,认准了一件事情就会想方设法去把这件事做成;

You live by “perseverance”, and you will try to work it out if you think it is your duty;


I think not everything should be persisted, there are times when giving up is much wiser. Viewing if something is worthy of your perseverance, as a business, you need to see the relationship between your investment and production, as a person who only live once, what you keep doing should be something you do not need to feel you have to bear with, but something you would be happy to do it again and again.

3. 你给了女儿尽可能大的自由去追求自己的梦想,没有强加给我你的愿望;

You give me the maximum freedom to me (your daughter) to pursue my dream, instead of forcing me to realise your wishes;


But I still think your comment on my dressing and hairstyle is not actually essential. The hairstyle I want to have and the clothes I wear is not for beauty. I hope that I can contribute more and consume less to zero. I keep my hair to donate for people who need hair as wig due to cancer, I cut my hair when the hair is long enough to donate, not because I look good in long or short hair. I wear clothes I like and usually do not see the need to buy new clothes, and I am very happy to get my aunt’s clothes. You often comment that I am not wearing pretty clothes or not decent at my age, I just want to roll my eyes. Because I think there is no need for me to buy new clothes. I am comfortable and feel free in what I wear.

4. 你的积极上进很有感染力,配上你的忠厚、大方,让我感到见贤思齐;

You always take the positive side, and being loyal and kind as well as generous, I want to be someone like you to inspire more people;


This time there is no but. I just want to appreciate that I think the good traits on you are shining. I can feel that you are always doing things to the best you can, even it is not very easy you would still be willing to make sure the customers get what they want, and you are willing to give a hand when friend and family members are in need. These are all very rare and precious virtues. I just hope that besides taking care of others, you also give yourself some time, to like yourself more, to live the life as you own it.


If there is a choice, I do not want to be your daughter, I would like to be your friend, as I would like to be your backup when you need me, feeling like I am at your side, always. To me, friends means we choose to be there for each other, but mother and daughter seems to be some relation one has to live with, and you have to take care of me.


In the future days, I prefer that I can walk with you shoulder by shoulder, not protected by you. And when you need me and I am capable, let me protect and take care of you. But before that, as we live in different places, you need to take care of yourself first. And I will try my best to live a good life.


Your daughter


22nd March 2020

于 英国伦敦

London, UK


P.S. I do not know and cannot control what will happen in the future, all I hope is that you can live in the way you like in your one-and-only life, I will always be with you, and I love you ❤️



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