国外最流行的100 句口语表达,收藏学习!

Top 100 Popular Phrases & Slang & Idiomatic Expressions in English
英语中100 大流行短语、俚语和惯用语
1.With my blessing.我同意。
A phrase expressing consent or agreement.表示同意。
2. You ain’t seen nothing yet.好戏在后面呢
The best, most exciting, or cleverest part is yet to come.最好的、最令人兴奋的或最绝妙的部分尚未到来。
3. Dig in! 吃吧!
You can start eating your meal.你可以开始用餐了。
4. Bite your tongue!
Keep quiet! 安静!
5. Butt out!
Go away and mind your own business! 走开,管好自己的事!
6. By the skin of my teeth.

7. Beats me.
I don’t know.我不知道
8. Drop me a line.
Write me (a letter). 写信给我吧。line是指“简短的书面信息”
9. Go jump in a lake!
Go away and stop bothering me! 起开、离我远点不要烦我。
10. Get off my tail!
Stop following me!不要跟着我!
11. As we speak.
Just now. 就在刚刚
12. Bag it! / Bag your face!
Be quiet! / Shut up and go away! 安静!/ 闭嘴走开!
13. Bang goes _____!泡汤了!
Said when you lose the chance to do or have something e.g. Bang goes my pay rise!说当你失去做某事或拥有某事的机会时说,例如:我的加薪泡汤了!
14.Be that as it may.
Even though that may be true.尽管这可能是真的。
15. Bully for you! 你可真棒!
Used sarcastically when someone expects praise but you don’t think they deserve it.当有人期待赞美但你认为他们不配时讽刺地使用。
16. You can’t fight the city hall.
There’s no way to beat the bureaucracy.没有办法打败官僚主义。
17. Cut the comedy!
Stop acting silly and telling jokes!被闹了,别再装傻和讲笑话了!
18. Don’t even look like something!
Do not even appear to be doing something!不要表现得好像你在做什么或在考虑什么。
19. Don’t even go there! 你想都别想
Don’t you dare bring up that subject.你不敢提起这个话题。

20. Don’t I know it!
I know that very well!我很清楚这一点!
21. Don’t stand on ceremony!
Please be at ease and make yourself at home.请放心,不要拘束。
22. Do you get my drift?
Do you understand what I’m saying?你明白我所说的吗?
23. Do you want to step outside?出来解决。
An expression inviting someone to go out of doors to settle an argument by fighting.一种邀请某人出门通过战斗解决争论的表达。
24. Easy does it.别慌,慢点
Move slowly and carefully.缓慢而小心地移动。
25. Fair to middling. 马马虎虎,过得去.
A response to an inquiry about the state of one’s health.对有关个人健康状况的询问的答复。
26. Fill in the blanks.
You can figure out the rest.你可以弄清楚剩下的。
27. Gotcha!
I understand what you said / what you want.我明白你说的/你想要什么。
28. Hang in there.
Be patient, things will work out.耐心点,事情会解决的。
29. Have a ball!
Enjoy yourself!玩的开心!
30. Have a good one.
Have a nice day.祝你今天过得愉快。
31. Have a heart!
Please be kind and compassionate.请善良和富有同情心。
32. Hold your horses!
Slow down!慢一点!
33. I can live with that.
That’s something I can get used to.这我可以适应。
34. I can’t argue with that.
I agree with what you said.我同意你说的。
35. I couldn’t ask for more.
Everything is fine, and there is nothing else that I could want.一切都很好,没有什么是我想要的。
36. I didn’t hear you.
I didn’t hear what you said, so would you please repeat it.我没听到你说的话,请你再说一遍。
37. I declare!
I’m surprised to hear that!听到这个我很惊讶!
38. I don’t mean maybe!
I’m very serious about what I said!我说的话是很认真的!
39.(I) don’t mind if I do.
Yes, I would like to.是的,我愿意。
40. I hate to eat and run.
An apology by someone who must leave a social event soon after eating.吃完饭后必须立即离开社交活动的人的礼貌道歉。
41.Break a leg!
Good luck! (Usually said to someone who is going to appear in front of an audience.)祝你好运!(通常对即将出现在观众面前的人说。)
42.You could have knocked me over with a feather.
I was extremely surprised.我非常惊讶。
43. You’re dern tootin’!
You are absolutely right!你是绝对正确的!
44. You’re the doctor.听你的
You are in a position to tell me what to do.你可以告诉我该怎么做。
45. I’m easy.随便,我不挑的
I’m not fussy. / I’ll accept whatever’s on offer.我不挑剔。/ 我会接受所提供的任何东西。
46. I’m with you.
I understand what you’re saying.我明白你在说什么。
47. In this day and age.
Now./ In these modern times.现在。/在这些时代。
48. I read you loud and clear.我完全明白你的意思.
An expression to signal that the hearer understands.表示听者理解的表达方式。
49. I spoke out of turn.
I said the wrong thing.我说错话了
50. It’s not half bad.
Not as bad as one might have thought.并不像人们想象的那么糟糕。
51. It’s on me.
I will pay this bill.我来买单。
52. (It’s) time to split.该分手了。
An announcement of one’s desire or need to leave.一个人想要或需要离开的公告。
53. It’s your funeral.这是你自作自受
If that’s what you want to do, you will have to endure the consequences.如果这就是你想要做的,你将不得不忍受后果。
54. I’ve been there. / Been there, done that.
I’ve experienced the same thing and I know what you’re talking about.我也经历过同样的事情,我知道你在说什么。
55. I’ve had it up to here.到此为止。
I will not endure any more of something.我不会再忍受任何事情了。
56. I won’t tell a soul.
I will not tell anyone.我不会告诉任何人。
57. I wouldn’t know.
There is no way that I would know the answer to that question.我不可能知道这个问题的答案。
58. Keep this to yourself.
A phrase introducing something that is meant to be a secret.保守秘密,把它放在心里,自己知道就行了”
59. Keep your shirt on!
Be patient! Just wait a minute!要有耐心!请稍等!
60. Knock it off!
Be quiet! Stop that noise!安静!别吵了!
61. Lovely weather for ducks.下大雨
Something you say when it’s raining heavily, or you’ve just come in out of the rain.你在下大雨时说的话,或者你刚从雨中出来。
62. Name your poison.
What would you like to drink?你想喝点什么?
63. No can do.
I cannot do it.我做不到。
64. No siree (,Bob)!
Absolutely no! / Of course! 绝对没有!/ 当然!
65. Not for my money.
Not as far as I’m concerned.不是我所关心的。
66. Not in a thousand years!
No, never!没有,永不!
67. Not in my book.
Not according to my views.不符合我的看法。
68. Now you’re cooking!
Now you’re doing what you should be doing!现在你正在做你应该做的事情!
69. Now you’re talking!
Now you’re saying the right things!现在你说对了!
70. Okay by me.
That’s fine with me.这对我来说没问题。
71.…or words to that effect.....之类的话
…or similar words meaning about the same thing.......或类似的词,意思是关于同一件事:She said she was unhappy, or words to that effect.她说了一些她很不幸福之类的话。
72. Over my dead body!休想!
A defiant phrase indicating the strength of one’s opposition to something.一个挑衅的短语,表示一个人反对某事的决心。
73. Pardon me for living!活在世上,哪会不出错
A very indignant response to a criticism or rebuke.对批评或斥责的非常愤怒的反应。
74. (Right) off the top of my head?
Do you want me to answer your question without having time to give it some thought?你想让我想都不想就回答你的问题吗?
75. See if I care!
I don’t care if you do it!我不在乎你是否这样做!
76. (So) what else is new?
This isn’t new.这并不新鲜。
77. Speak of the devil.说曹操,曹操到
A phrase said when someone whose name has just been mentioned suddenly appears on the scene.当一个刚刚被提及的人突然出现在屏幕上时说的一句话场景。
78. Take my word for it.
Believe me! Trust me, I am telling you the truth.相信我!相信我,我说的是实话。
79. Take it from me.
I know what I’m talking about.我知道我在说什么。
80. That does it!
The same as 82 below.与下面的82句相同。
81. That’s more like it.这才像话。
That is better.这样好多了。
82. That’s the last straw!真是忍无可忍了.
That’s going too far! Something will have to be done.那太过分了!必须做点什么。
83. That’s the ticket!
That is what is required!这就是必须的!
84. (That’s the) way to go!干得非常出色!
A phrase encouraging someone to continue the good work.鼓励某人继续做好工作。
85. That’s what I call _______!
Used when you want to emphasize that something is very good e.g. That’s what I call a holiday!当您想强调某事非常好时使用,例如这就是我所说的假期!
86. Mum’s the word.
A pledge not to reveal a secret or to tell something or someone.承诺不泄露秘密或告诉某事或某人。
87. Watch your tongue! / Watch your mouth!注意你的言行!
Do not talk like that!别这么说!
88. What (a) nerve! / Of all the nerve!
How rude!真没礼貌!
89. Whatever turns you on.你觉得好,就行
Whatever pleases or excites you is okay.任何让你高兴或兴奋的事情都可以。
90. What’s cooking?
What is happening?怎么了?
91. What’s eating you?
What’s bothering you?你有什么烦恼?
92. What’s the catch?有这么好的事儿?
What are the negative factors?负面因素有哪些?
93. What’s the damage?
What are the charges? How much is the bill?费用是多少?账单是多少?
94. Who would / could have thought?谁会想到呢?
A question phrase indicating surprise or amazement.表示惊讶或惊奇的疑问句。
95.(I’d) better get on my horse
It’s time to leave.该离开了。
96. Yesterday wouldn’t be too soon.现在立刻马上!
An answer to the question “When do you want this?”回答“你什么时候想要这个?”这个问题的答案。
97.I hear you.
I know exactly what you mean!我完全明白你的意思!
98. I’ll bite.
Okay, I’ll answer your question / I’ll listen to your joke.好的,我会回答你的问题/我会听你的笑话。
99. I’ll have to beg off. 不必了。
An expression used to turn down an informal invitation.用于拒绝非正式邀请的表达方式。
100. I’m all ears.我全神贯注。
You have my attention.你引起了我的注意。