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The determination of real fluid requirements in laparoscopic resection of pheochromocytoma using minimally invasive hemodynamic monitoring: a prospectively designed tria
方 法
结 果
应用EDM,PCC患者的术中液体总量略高于HIAT患者(2100 516 vs.1550 622 ml,P=0.097;12.9 4.8 vs.8.3 0.7 ml kg-1 h-1,P 0.014)。PCC组的血流动力学变化很大,与分泌儿茶酚胺的类型和水平有关。PCC切除后10分钟内,动脉血压和全身血管阻力指数均达到最低。在未给予大量液体的情况下,应用EDM,PCC患者的术中液体总剂量略高于HIAT患者(2100 516 vs.1550 622 ml,P=0.097;12.9 4.8 vs.8.3 0.7 ml kg-1 h-1,P 0.014)。PCC组的血流动力学变化很大,与分泌儿茶酚胺的类型和水平有关。PCC切除后10分钟内,动脉血压和全身血管阻力指数均达到最低。在未给予大量液体的情况下,将两组的基线测量值与手术结束时相比较,两组患者的心脏指数均增加。这一增加仅在PCC患者中具有统计学意义(PCC:2.31 vs.3.15 l m in-1 m-2,P 0.005;HIAT:2.08 vs.2.56 l min-1 m-2,P 0.225)。
结 论
Martin B. Niederle, Edith Fleischmann, Barbara Kabon. The determination of real fluid requirements in laparoscopic resection of pheochromocytoma using minimally invasive hemodynamic monitoring: a prospectively designed trial. [J] Surgical Endoscopy,2019;66(4):356---362
Hemodynamic instability is frequently observed during adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma (PCC). Guidelines recommend liberal preoperative volume administration. However, it is unclear whether fluid deficiency or vasoplegia causes shifting hemodynamics and whether minimally invasive hemodynamic monitoring with esophageal Doppler (EDM) can help visualize intraoperative changes avoiding volume overload and complications.
Ten patients with biochemically verified PCC and five patients with hormonally inactive adrenal tumors (HIAT; control group) were treated following a strict protocol. During laparoscopic adrenalectomy, goal-directed fluid therapy was performed using EDM. Hemodynamic and biochemical data were documented. The primary outcome variables were fluid requirement and hemodynamic parameters.
Applying EDM, total intraoperative fluid administration was slightly higher in PCC patients than in patients with HIAT (2100 ± 516 vs. 1550 ± 622 ml, p = 0.097; 12.9 ± 4.8 vs. 8.3 ± 0.7 ml kg-1 h-1, p = 0.014). Hemodynamics varied considerably within the PCC group and was associated with type and level of secreted catecholamines. Arterial blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance index reached their minimum in the 10-min period after resection of PCC. Without liberal fluid administration, an increase in cardiac index was observed in both groups comparing baseline measurements to end of surgery. This increase was statistically significant only in PCC patients (PCC: 2.31 vs. 3.15 l min-1 m-2, p = 0.005; HIAT: 2.08 vs. 2.56 l min-1 m-2, p = 0.225).
As vasoplegia, but not hypovolemia, was documented after tumor resection, there is no evidence that PCC patients profit from liberal fluid administration during laparoscopic adrenalectomy. To avoid volume overload, noninvasive techniques such as EDM should be routinely used to visualize the variable intraoperative course.

翻译:唐剑 编辑:何幼芹 审校:王贵龙