重磅 | 2020世界植物基大奖入围名单揭晓,万物皆可植物基!


文:Autumn Wu


2019年5月,Beyond Meat的IPO让植物肉这个细分品类进入了大众视野,自此,植物肉、植物奶、植物海鲜……各类植物基产品层出不穷,植物基产品公司也颇受国内外资本青睐。以植物肉为例,仅上周,便有Impossible Foods、星期零、Hey Maet三家植物肉公司宣布获得融资,其中Impossible Foods更是达到了40亿美元的估值。
正如FoodBev Media营销经理Matthew Rushton所说,植物基是一个国际性的市场,目前正在且还将持续蓬勃发展,因此,在全球食品、乳品、饮料创新大奖之外,FoodBev今年还新增了“世界植物基大奖”奖项。
(2)在植物奶细分品类,不只是燕麦,大麦奶同样未来可期。本次大奖中,来自Bright Barley的大麦奶获得了最佳代乳和最佳植物基饮料两项提名,Bright Barley公司也获得了最佳植物基初创公司的提名;
(3)Chobani从希腊酸奶到植物基饮料完美延伸。希腊酸奶巨头Chobani于今年7月推出有机植物饮料Chobani Probiotic,并成功入围本次最佳植物基功能性食品。产品以全谷物燕麦和果汁为基础制成,还添加益生菌以促进消化和免疫健康;其次加入有机水果和草本植提,并以微泡的形式使其具有优异的风味和口感;
Best milk alternative

Bright Barley Drinks – Barley ‘Mylks’

Devon Garden – Plant-Powered Milk

Take Two Foods – Barleymilk

Sensible Foods – Bambara Milk

Avo 88 – avocadomilk
Best dairy product alternative

Jokilaakson Juusto – Ilo Cashew Black Pepper

Planet Oat – Oatmilk 

Norseland – Mexicana Vegan

LOVE RAW – Vegan Chocolate for Unvegan Vegans

Nuts For Cheese – Plant-based cheeses

Rucksack Foods – OATzarella

The Vegan Dairy – Hemp Smoked Mozzarella

Upfield UK – Elmlea Plant

Best plant-based beverage

Bright Barley Drinks – Barley Shakes

Laird Superfood – Pineapple Mango HYDRATE Coconut Water

Milk 2.0 – Chocolate Milk

Veganz Group AG – Protein Drink Buttermilk Mango Style

Biomel – Dark Chocolate Shots

Omni Brands – Tonik Plant

Best meat alternative

Lightlife Foods – Lightlife Plant-Based Burgers

Hooray Foods – Plant-Based Bacon

Tiba Tempeh – BBQ Burger

Next Foods – NEXT! Bacon


Plantcraft – Pepperoni

Food Nation – Food Nation
Best plant-based dessert/confectionery

Mallow Puffs – Mallows dunked in Belgian dark chocolate

Fabalous Organic – Hazelnut & Cocoa Chickpea Spread

Omni Brands – Super Cubes Purée

Dolfin – My Sweet Chickpea

Wonderlab’s Doozy – Doozy Pots

Best plant-based functional product 

ALDI – exclusive Simply Nature Organic Bean Pasta: Edamame Spaghetti, Black BeanSpaghetti, Soybean Spaghetti

Laird Superfood – Medium Roast Ground Mushroom Coffee

Velobar – CBD Protein Bar

Chobani – Probiotic

Fulfill Food & Beverages – Karuna Focus, Plus Turmeric Synergy Coffee

Planeteer – incrEDIBLE spoons you eat

Best plant-based protein

Lightlife Foods – Lightlife Buffalo Tempeh Strips

Good Catch Foods – Plant-Based Tuna in Water

Eat JUST – Folded JUST Egg

Meatless Farm – Meat Free Breakfast Sausages

OmniFoods – OmniPork Mince

Plantcraft – Pâté

Gold&Green – Pulled Oats

Best plant-based seafood 

New Wave Foods – New Wave Shrimp

Sol Cuisine – Crispy Tempura Fish Fillets

Good Catch Foods – Plant-Based Tuna in Water

Vegan Finest Foods – Vegan ZeaStar Zalmon Sashimi

Best plant-based snack

Creative Nature – HazelNOT Gnawbles

Field Roast – Field Roast Plant-Based Nuggets

Munchy Pops – Plant-based Crunchy Snack

Alpha Foods – Chik’n Nuggets

Plant Perks – Plant Based Cheeze Spreads

Functional Foods Pvt – Plant Protein Lupin Veggie Stix 

Best plant-based condiment

In The Buff – Plant Based Protein Ketchup

Plant Perks – Plant Based Cheeze Spreads

Fabalish – Vegan Tzatziki Aquafaba Sauce

Best plant-based business 

Infinite Foods – Infinite Foods

Gardein – Gardein

Love Raw – Vegan Chocolate for Unvegan Vegans

Meatless Farm – Meatless Farm

Best plant-based packaging 

Planeteer  – incrEDIBLE spoons you eat

Lyspackaging – Veganbottle

RAP – Precious Planet Range

Food Nation – Food Nation Packaging
Best plant-based start-up 

Bright Barley – Bright Barley

Vegums – Multivitamin Gummy For Vegans

Fabalish – Fabalish

Hooray Foods – Plant-Based Bacon

Best plant-based sustainability 

Planeteer – incrEDIBLE spoons you eat

Jenny Wren – Fabulous Fondants

Tetra Pak – Best Practice Line for Juice, Nectars and Still Drinks with Aseptic Blending

Veganz Group AG – Sustainability Label EATERNITY/Pizza Verdura

DuPont – Plant Proteins
Best plant-based non-food product 

Bamboo Europe – 100% natural straws bamboo fibre

RAP – This Map Tray
BeeBee & Leaf – Plant based wax food wraps
