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Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0

08/29/2016 ·

2 minutes to read

Microsoft® Visual FoxPro® database development system is a powerful tool for quickly creating high-performance desktop, rich client, distributed client, client/server, and Web database applications.

Microsoft Visual FoxPro数据库开发系统是快速创建高性能桌面、富客户端、分布式客户端、客户端/服务器和Web数据库应用程序的强大工具。

Employ its powerful data engine to manage large volumes of data, its object-oriented programming to reuse components across applications, its XML Web services features for distributed applications, and its built-in XML support to quickly manipulate data.

利用其强大的数据引擎来管理大量数据,利用其面向对象的编程来跨应用程序重用组件,利用其用于分布式应用程序的XML Web服务特性,以及利用其内置的XML支持来快速操作数据。

Note that Visual FoxPro 9.0 is the last version and was published in 2007.

请注意,Visual FoxPro 9.0是2007年发布的最新版本。

Download Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2

Download Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0. SP2 provides the latest updates to Visual FoxPro 9.0 combining various enhancements and stability improvements into one integrated package.

下载Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2的Service Pack 2。SP2提供了Visual FoxPro 9.0的最新更新,将各种增强功能和稳定性改进集成到一个集成包中。

Visual FoxPro Samples and Updates

Find code samples and product updates for Visual FoxPro.

查找Visual FoxPro的代码示例和产品更新。

Visual FoxPro on MSDN Forums

Join the conversation and get your questions answered on the Visual FoxPro Forum on MSDN.

在MSDN上的Visual FoxPro论坛加入对话,并得到您的问题在MSDN上的Visual FoxPro论坛。

Visual FoxPro 9.0 Overview

With its local cursor engine, tight coupling between language and data, and powerful features, Visual FoxPro 9.0 is a great tool for building database solutions of all sizes. Its data-centric, object-oriented language offers developers a robust set of tools for building database applications for the desktop, client-server environments, or the Web. Developers will have the necessary tools to manage data—from organizing tables of information, running queries, and creating an integrated relational database management system (DBMS) to programming a fully-developed data management application for end users.

Visual FoxPro 9.0概述凭借其本地游标引擎、语言和数据之间的紧密耦合以及强大的特性,Visual FoxPro 9.0是构建各种规模数据库解决方案的伟大工具。其以数据为中心、面向对象的语言为开发人员提供了一组健壮的工具,用于构建用于桌面、客户机-服务器环境或Web的数据库应用程序。开发人员将拥有必要的工具来管理数据,从组织信息表、运行查询、创建集成关系数据库管理系统(DBMS)到为最终用户编写完全开发的数据管理应用程序。

Data-Handling and Interoperability. Create .NET compatible solutions with hierarchical XML and XML Web services. Exchange data with SQL Server through enhanced SQL language capabilities and newly supported data types.

数据处理和互操作性。创建具有分层XML和XML Web服务的。net兼容解决方案。通过增强的SQL语言功能和新支持的数据类型与SQL Server交换数据。

Extensible Developer Productivity Tools. Enhance your user interfaces with dockable user forms, auto-anchoring of controls, and improved image support. Personalize the Properties Window with your favorite properties, custom editors, fonts, and color settings.


