中山市MedAccred _AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (42)
20.8C- Is there evidence that time between assembly (e.g.: soldering) and cleaning has been limited to the maximum value specified in the procedure?YES/NO/NA
20.9 C- Are the procedures being followed for the setup, operation and maintenance of all cleaning equipment?YES/NO
20.9.1 C- If used, is there evidence of the monitoring and recording of the contamination levels of the cleaning solution in accordance with procedures?YES/NO/NA
Audit Note: Question to be answered if using batch cleaning process (e.g.: vapor degreaser).
20.10 C- Is there evidence that personnel have been trained on the use of the cleaning process?YES/NO
20.11C- Are the procedures for prevention of contamination or damage after cleaning being followed?YES/NO
20.12 C- If unclean or mechanically damaged assemblies are found, are they identified and is there evidence of containment and corrective action?YES/NO
20.13 C- If ultrasonic cleaning is being performed, is there evidence that use of ultrasonics does not damage the mechanical or electrical performance of the product or components being cleaned?YES/NO
Audit Note: From J-STD-001: Ultrasonic cleaning is permissible:
A.On bare boards or assemblies, provided only terminals or connectors without internal electronics are present.
B.On electronic assemblies with electrical components, provided the manufacturer has documentation available for review showing that use of ultrasonics does not damage the mechanical or electrical performance of the product or components being cleaned, see IPC-TM-650, Test Method, Test to Determine Sensitivity of Electronic Assemblies to Ultrasonic Energy and Test Method, Test to Determine Sensitivity of Electronic Components to Ultrasonic Energy.
20.14 C- If required, is there evidence that Cable and Wire Harness assemblies have been properly arranged / placed in the machine, in accordance with procedures?YES/NO