【每日一星】第211号 吉吉 哈迪德 Gigi Hadid


World cultural artists list


Star of the day

第211号  吉吉·哈迪德

No. 211 Gigi Hadid

吉吉·哈迪德(Gigi Hadid),美国女演员、模特。

Gigi Hadid is an American actress and model.


Born in Los Angeles, USA on April 23, 1995, his father is Muhammad Hadid, a Palestinian real estate developer, and his mother is joranda foster, a former Dutch model. Gigi Hadid has two siblings: Bella, a model's sister, and Anwar, her younger brother. After her parents divorced, her mother married music producer David Foster.


In high school, Gigi Hadid was the captain of the school volleyball team and a equestrian rider. He graduated from high school and settled in New York. In 2013, Gigi Hadid went to university in New York, majoring in criminal psychology, and began to expand her modeling career.

2011年,吉吉·哈迪德成为IMG Models公司的签约模特。

In 2011, Gigi Hadid became a contract model for img models.

2012年,出演短片电影《Virgin Eyes》。

In 2012, he starred in the short film "virgin eyes".


On April 2, 2014, he played in the music series TV series lip synching competition, and was rated as one of the model rookies by sports illustrated in the same year.

2015年3月,吉吉·哈迪德参加Desigual 和Jeremy Sco两个品牌秀场。

In March 2015, Gigi Hadid participated in desigual and Jeremy SCO shows.


March 6, 2016, for the Paris International Fashion Week show.


On June 8, 2018, he starred in the crime plot movie "hide the truth from the world: the beauty trick", and took part in Victoria's secret underwear show of the year held in New York in the same year as a catwalk model.

2019年,出演短片电影《Pirelli Calendar》,并担任其中一个故事的女主角。

In 2019, she starred in the short film Pirelli calendar and acted as the heroine of one of the stories.

2020年1月22日,吉吉·哈迪德参加在法国举行的2020春夏巴黎高定时装周走秀。2月10日,与妹妹贝拉·哈迪德参加“2020 Tom Ford AW20”好莱坞时装秀 。

On January 22, 2020, Gigi Hadid participated in the spring and summer 2020 Paris Gaoding Fashion Week show in France. On February 10, she and her sister Bella Hadid participated in the "2020 Tom Ford aw20" Hollywood fashion show.


On February 6, 2021, Gigi Hadid won the first prize in the selection of "one star of the day" in the world list of cultural artists.


关于  世界艺术家排行榜评选

On the world artist rankings and the "one star of the day"


The first place in the world artists list: the most popular artist of "one star of the day" will be selected. The editorial department of the World Federation of literary and cultural circles will write a personal special report, which will be released and publicized on the World Federation of literary and cultural circles global media platform. At the same time, the 1st to 12th artists were appointed as preparatory members (world-class members) of the World Federation of literary and art for a period of one year, and the reports were published on the official website of the World Federation of literary and art the next day.


The 1st to 12th artist on the weekly list was appointed as the preparatory Director of the World Federation of literary and art for one year.


The 1st to 12th artist on the monthly list was appointed as the preparatory standing director of the World Federation of literary and art circles for one year.


The number 1-30 in the annual ranking list was appointed as honorary vice chairman of the World Federation of literary and art circles, and the 31st to 300th members were appointed as the executive directors of the World Federation of literary and art circles, and the title of "world outstanding artist" was awarded. At the same time, the award ceremony was held on an optional date.

凡参加世界艺术家排行榜获【每日一星及前12名】  【周冠军及前12名】  【月冠军及前12名】  【总冠军及前30名】的艺术家。均可参加世界文联摄制组【人物专访】栏目接受央视记者面对面采访。

Artists who have won [1 star of the day and top 12], [weekly champion and top 12], [monthly champion and top 12], [total champion and top 30] in the world artist list. All of them can participate in the special interview program of the World Federation of literary and cultural circles and accept face-to-face interviews with CCTV reporters.

联系人;乐 华   乐 伟   乐 明   乐 辰

Contact person: Le Hua Le Wei Le Ming Le Chen


Tel: 15910755206, 18610766399


World Federation of literary and art elite website; www.sslg33.com

【每日一星】奖励【价值1000元】饰品1枚、周冠军奖励【价值3000元】饰品1枚、月冠军奖励【价值5000元】饰品1枚、总冠军及前12名奖励【价值10000元 】饰品1枚 。

[one star per day] one jade ornament with a value of 1000 yuan, one diamond with a value of 3000 yuan for the weekly champion, one diamond with a value of 5000 yuan for the monthly champion, and one diamond with a value of 10000 yuan for the total champion and the top 12.


Warm tips: one minute free registration, welcome all kinds of cultural and art masters to join the World Federation of literary and art, friendly interaction with cultural artists from all over the world, leaving brilliant footprints in the long history of human culture!

世界艺术家排行榜编辑评选委员会主席:乐华 [罗华党]

Chairman of the editorial selection committee of the world artists

世界艺术家排行榜 编辑评选委员会副主席:乐 兰 [谭邦兰]

Vice chairman of the editorial selection committee of the world artists list: Le LAN [Tan banglan]

世界艺术家排行榜编辑评选委员会 委员

Vice chairman of the editorial selection committee

乐 丽 、 乐 超、 乐 明 、 乐 亮、 乐 依、 乐 俊、 乐 旗、 乐 泽、 乐 娜、乐 慧、 乐 群、 乐 莉 、 乐 玲 、 乐 德 、乐楼、乐攀

Member of the editorial selection committee; Leli, lechao, Leming, leliang, Leyi, lejun, Leqi, Leze, Lena, Lehui, Lequn, Leli, Leling, Led

编辑评选委员会执行:乐 楼、乐攀

Editorial selection committee: lelou, lepan




Entry channel of World Federation of literary and art(click to enter)


How to participate in "one star of the day"(click to enter)



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