在这个过程中,我发现自己应用教案的意识也在不断提升。比如:最近全家出去旅游,出发前我会把能用到的教案提前梳理出来,以便在旅游过程中和孩子们一起运用。一路的记录也给我们这次旅行留下了美好的回忆。抵达酒店前,一路上哥哥都在看书,我会说Books are our friends.Reading is good for our mental health.
在酒店吃饭时,孩子们喜欢玩闹。我会说When you are in public places like a restaurant or a bus, don’t scream because you may disturb other people.吃饭不想让孩子浪费食物时,我会说Farmers produce various foods for us. Do not waste them.
吃完饭,我会提醒孩子们要把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。Honey, help me put it into the trash can. Thanks for your cooperation. Mommy will give you a kiss as a reward for your good behavior.
到景点游玩时,我们没有坐车,而是步行。我告诉孩子们We should cut down on our private car usage. Let’s go to zhujiajiao on foot .Walking is a good way to keep us fit.天热,我会提醒孩子们喝水。我会说Don’t forget to drink water.休息时,大宝二宝争着把自己的零食想给我分享,我就说You are so generous.Thank you. But Mommy has an inclination to gain weight.
两个小家伙在景区因为玩具起了争执。我对二宝说How do you feel? You are upset. I can tell. How about playing with mommy?然后对哥哥说Be a kind and courteous person. Sky is your brother.等等等等......真的是玩一路,说一路,随时随地启蒙。有些游玩的家长还问我是不是英语老师,怎么能说这么多英文?我告诉他们,虽然我不是英语老师,但我正在跟着郑老师学习,成为孩子最好的英语启蒙导师。
下面说说大宝的成长。加入高端英语后,大宝变得爱开口了,经常跟我表达You are my treasure.I love you, Mommy.等等通过每天读教案和牛津树分级读物,大宝这几个月的英语水平有很大提升,词汇量进一步拓展,老师都表扬孩子用词很丰富,目前他也已经能够自主阅读牛津树11了。
现在,他最喜欢的卡片是There are bacteria on your fingers.还会和我一起讨论bacteria,我们会引申出来应该做什么? 当然是要勤洗手哦,这样良好的生活习惯也在慢慢渗透和培养。类似的英语输入,还有很多很多。比如睡前我们会说,Close the curtain. Turn off the light. Darkness is the right atmosphere for bedtime. Staying up too late is bad for your health.......我们还一起玩郑老师的自然拼读卡,因为卡片超大,颜色非常鲜艳,我们会玩听音拿卡、拿卡说词等等游戏,寓教于乐,他很喜欢。