雅思口语新题季 high school
high school

>>> When I was in high school, I always crammed for some exams. For example, I sometimes tried to cram words before an English test. 我在读高中的时候总是突击准备考试。比如我有时候在英语考试之前猛塞很多词汇。
>>> We had to learn all our lessons off by heart. 我们必须百分之百记住所学的。
>>> My physics teacher used to come down on us like a ton of bricks if we couldn't work out a problem. 如果我们解不出来一道题,物理老师就会严厉惩罚我们。
>>> Our school brought in the mathematics curriculum from another country.我们学校从其他国家引进了数学课程。
>>> My mathematics teacher had a monotonous voice. That's why I fell into sleep over his class I guess. 我的数学老师声音单调。这可能就是为啥我昏昏欲睡。

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