雅思听力 | Section3 单选题有哪些坑?

1 原词重现型


题目:Community groups are mainly concerned about

A pedestrian safety

B traffic jams

C increased pollution

原文:People we've heard from are mainly worried about traffic in the area, and in particular, the increasing speed of cars near schools. They feel that it's only a matter of time before there's an accident as a lot of the children walk to school.

(很多学生听到traffic 这个单词,加上前面的worried about , 就立马选了B, 其实这不对哦,因为B 选项说的是堵车,而听力原文说的是安全)


题目:Stress may be caused by

A New teachers

B Time pressure

C Unfamiliar subject matter

原文:You'll have to start adjusting to teaching and learning methods that may be unfamiliar to you, as well as the mounting pressure as the deadline for that first assignment creeps up on you.

(很多学生听到unfamiliar 就直接选了C,这样不对哦,这里并没有听到新的学科。这里主要的转换在deadline 和time pressure)



Students may lose self-esteem if

A They have to change courses

B They don't complete a course

C Their family put too much pressure on them

原文:There may be a huge amount of family pressure on you to succeed, and you fail a subject or drop out of a course because it's too difficult then your self-esteem can suffer. (很多人听到 family pressure, 就直接选了C,但是题目问的是丢掉自尊,应该是后面的drop out of a course 也就是don't complete a course)


