【新刊速递】Geopolitics Vol.26,Issue 3,2021




【编译】孟晓宇 张鸿儒 孙唯一 杨朔 缪高意

【校对】池佳曈 朱家羲 杨朔 孙唯一 黎开朗

【审核】丁伟航 阮镇炜 晋玉 朱文菡 徐一君





Environmental Geopolitics and Outer Space


Spaceport America: Contested Offworld Access and the Everyman Astronaut


Geopolitical Imaginaries of the Space Shuttle Mission Patches


China in Panama: From Peripheral Diplomacy to Grand Strategy


Imperialism, Technology and Tropicality in Arthur C. Clarke’s Geopolitics of Outer Space



【题目】Environmental Geopolitics and Outer Space

【作者】Julie Michelle Klinger,德拉威尔大学的地理学家,曾担任波士顿大学弗雷德里克·帕迪(Frederick S. Pardee)全球研究学院国际关系助理教授。她还曾担任该大学全球发展政策中心“土地利用与生计计划”的副主任。她研究开发和资源利用的地理、地质和地缘政治。


The cultural, legal, budgetary, infrastructural, and logistical processes through which the contemporary space race unfolds have measurable environmental footprints on Earth and in outer space. The question of where these footprints fall is arbitrated by larger questions of geopolitical power and vulnerability, which means that human engagement with outer space is also a question of environmental justice. On Earth, environmental (in) justice unfolds on multiple scales: local and stratospheric emissions from space launches, the placement of outer space related infrastructure in so-called peripheral places, and the role of power in determining whether the use of such infrastructure aids socio-environmentally constructive or destructive practices. Beyond Earth, the environmental geopolitics are likewise multiscalar, manifesting in contemporary pollution issues such as orbital debris and conservation debates such as planetary protection protocols. The environmental geopolitics of Earth and outer space are inextricably linked by the spatial politics of privilege and the imposition of sacrifice – among people, places, and institutions. This paper explores the concept of outer space environments through classical, critical, environmental, and feminist geopolitical theories.






【题目】Spaceport America: Contested Offworld Access and the Everyman Astronaut

【作者】Katherine G. Sammler,加利福尼亚州立大学海洋分校全球研究与海洋事务系助理教授;Casey R. Lynch,内瓦达大学地理系助理教授。

【摘要】美国太空港,一个具有奇特曲线几何外观的建筑,本身就像是从新墨西哥州特鲁斯康西昆西斯市升起的一架太空飞船,传递着“人人都是宇航员”的希望。但这个建设费用超过2亿美元、2017年运营预算为285万美元的公私合作项目,并没有提供类似于机场的垂直运输服务。随着维珍银河(Virgin Galactic)公司在举行天价零重力音乐节与商业旅行项目上陷入停滞,美国太空港成为了教育性质的火箭俱乐部的所在地以及好莱坞电影的取景地,而大众仅能通过购买昂贵的导览服务进入此地。与美国太空港项目的遭遇一样,进入外空这一行为本身引发了公共所有权与私人所有权、排他性等问题。随着民族国家在外空活动中的角色转变,该空间有可能成为资本积累的另一场所,也有可能表现为社会运动或“社会空间项目”中所设想的那样。本文追溯了以美国太空港为代表的外空活动中公共利益与私人利益间的重新调整,以及自1967年联合国《外层空间条约》提出外空作为公有资源这一构想以来关于进入外空观念的演变。本文将新兴的公私合作霸权与三个自主性太空组织的行为进行了对比。上述这三个组织构建了替代性的政治经济模型、技术系统以及对进入外空的文化想象。

Spaceport America, a spectacle to see with curvilinear geometry that itself looks like a spacecraft rising out of the desert near Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, conveys a hope of the everyman astronaut. Yet this private-public project, spending over $200 million in state taxpayer money to build and with a $2.85 million operating budget for 2017, does not provide the vertical transport analog of an airport. As Virgin Galactic stalls in launching its astronomically-priced zero-gravity music festival and commercial passenger flights, the facilities have been dusted off for educational rocketry club launches and Hollywood film backdrops while most public access to the grounds is restricted to expensive guided tours. As with the Spaceport, access to outer space itself raises questions of public versus private ownership and exclusivity. With the shifting role of nation states in offplanet activity, there are openings for outer space to become another site of capital accumulation or to manifest as envisioned by social movements and “community space programs.” This paper traces the ongoing realignment of public and private interests in offworld activity, of which Spaceport America is representative, considering how notions of offworld access have evolved since the aspirational vision of space as a commons laid out in the 1967 UN Outer Space Treaty. The paper juxtaposes the emerging public-private hegemony with the actions of three autonomous space organizations that actively construct alternative political economic models, technological systems, and cultural imaginaries of offworld access.






【题目】Geopolitical Imaginaries of the Space Shuttle Mission Patches

【作者】Andrew S. Maclaren,英国阿伯丁大学,地理与环境系。


This paper engages with the (geo)political imaginaries of the Space Shuttle mission patches, through a consideration of the iconography they contain. Each Space Shuttle mission had a unique patch designed to represent the mission, which were typically worn on the arm of astronauts’ space suits. Drawing on visual methodologies and popular geopolitics, this paper critically engages with the patches’ iconography, their descriptions in official documentation, and the histories that frame their production. In doing so, this paper advances three interrelated arguments. First, that the mission patches of the Space Shuttle programme presented a uniquely American framing of outer space in their iconography and can thus be read as geopolitical texts. Second, that the iconography within the patches reflected the contemporary geopolitics of their time of production, but continued to subtly demonstrate American dominance in outer space. Finally, that the consumption of the patches in museums and through popular culture assist in the construction of American Manifest Destiny in outer space. This paper presents tangible examples of humanity’s engagement with outer space through the production of material cultures, while also pushing forward the agenda for further critical geographical engagement with outer space.






【题目】China in Panama: From Peripheral Diplomacy to Grand Strategy

【作者】阿瓦罗·门德斯(Alvaro Mendez),伦敦政经学院高级研究员,伦敦政治经济学院全球南方研究中心联合发起人、中心联合主任,复旦大学访问学者(2018.10-2019.1)。研究方向为中国-拉丁美洲关系、外交政策、发展中国家政治;克里斯·奥登(Chris Alden),伦敦政治经济学院非洲研究中心高级研究员、国际关系教授、南非国际事务研究所全球大国与非洲项目主任。


The globalization of China’s development strategy, from its origins as infrastructure diplomacy connecting its domestic west with its Central Asian periphery, into the transnational Belt and Road Initiative encompassing the periphery of the world system, epitomises the rapid evolution of a Chinese grand strategy of great economic and political ambition. The small state of Panama is a key node in the global trading system that can make an unexpectedly large contribution to China’s national security and international influence. Accordingly, China’s economic statecraft in Panama is not only opening up the Latin America and Caribbean markets to further Chinese commercial penetration, but is simultaneously expanding its political influence in this remotest part of the global South. China’s is a two-track grand strategy positing to other nations a choice between a liberal internationalist co-prosperity and a zero-sum realist contest. This audacious approach relies on relational power amongst small states, especially semi-peripheral ones like Panama, to put China at the forefront of what is shaping up as a grand coalition of the global South collectively challenging American hegemony.






【题目】Imperialism, Technology and Tropicality in Arthur C. Clarke’s Geopolitics of Outer Space

【作者】Oliver Dunnett,贝尔法斯特女王大学


This paper addresses geopolitical cultures of outer space by examining the selected life and works of Arthur C. Clarke (1918–2008), one of the leading space technology advocates of the twentieth century, in the specific context of his adopted home of Ceylon/Sri Lanka. Within the framework of studies that have connected critical geopolitics and science, further discussions concerning the interface between imperialism, technology and tropicality help demonstrate the relevance of Clarke’s geographical imagination to understanding geopolitical cultures of outer space. Three aspects of Clarke’s life and works are examined: First, his underwater exploration activities in Ceylon from the late 1950s to the early 1970s; second, his 1979 Hugo and Nebula Award-winning novel The Fountains of Paradise; and finally, his promotion of Sri Lanka as a future hub of outer space technologies in the early 1980s. The paper suggests that geopolitical readings of outer space can be understood through investigating diverse aspects of place, landscape and identity.







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