无神论者调查 |“为什么我要信?”(中英双语)
本文出自著名科普组织 “无神论者调查委员会”(Committee for Skeptical Inquiry,CSI ) 的官方刊物。CSI 的使命是促进科学探究、批判性调查,以及运用理性检验具有争议的非凡见解,创始人包括众多科学家、学者和科普作家,如卡尔·萨根、艾萨克·阿西莫夫、保罗·库尔茨、雷·海曼、詹姆斯·兰迪、马丁·加德纳、西德尼·胡克等。



Today, I would like to speak to you, as a scientist and an educator, and focus on onetheme.
I hope that your time at Foothill Collegeh as given you new skills, better information about nature and history, and new enjoyment of the humanities and the arts. But I hope your years with us havebeen about more than just skills and information.
I hope you have also learned to askquestions. Because it is through clear-headed questioning that we keeplearning. And the one question I hope you will continue asking, the onequestion I especially encourage my students to ask in class, is: “Why should Ibelieve a word of this?”
When I tell students that most of theatoms in their bodies were “constructed” for them in the hot centers and finalexplosions of massive stars, they have every right to ask, “Why should I believe a word of this?”
When I tell my students that thousandsof planets surround the other stars we see in the sky and that a number ofthose planets are now known to resemble our own Earth in important ways, they have every right to ask, “Why should I believe a word of this?”
When I share with my students that ancient Mars was much more like the Earth, with a thicker atmosphere, rivers,and lakes and could have been a site for the first stirrings of life, they have every right to ask, “Why should I believe a word of this?”
In my introductory science courses, we give the evidence, the observations, and experiments that have led us to theseconclusions so that students can evaluate the steps that led us to them.
But I hope our students will continueto ask that crucial question even when the topics turn away from science.
When a candidate for high office inthis country makes derisive statements about people of one nationality or onereligion, I hope you can ask them and yourself, “Why should I believe a word ofthis?”
When some snake-oil salesman is trying to sell you a medical cure that lies way outside the realm of serious medical knowledge, such as homeopathy or psychic surgery, I hope you will take a moment and ask them and yourself, “Why should I believe aword of this?”
When some spokesman for the coalindustry is trying to convince you that global warming is not real and humanity’s role in it is not established, I hope you can ask them and yourself, “Why should I believe a word of this?”
When a conspiracy-monger tells you thatvaccination causes autism or that NASA faked the landing on the moon, I hopeyou can ask them and yourself, “Why should I believe a word of this?”
And after you have asked that question,be sure you examine the evidence carefully and thoroughly.

Students, you have grown up in the Internet age and now have the full world ofinformation at your fingertips day and night. Unfortunately, that also meansthat you have the full world of misinformation at your fingertips day and night!
What I hope your college education hashelped teach you is to sift and examine that vast store of informationcarefully, to find out what experiments and statistically valid studies haveshown and not shown, and to consider who stands to benefit from outrageousclaims. In other words, to look for facts. Facts can shine their light into thedark places of our culture and illuminate them.
It’s no coincidence that one of the keythings the gun lobby got the Congress to do for them was to forbid the Centersfor Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health to gather facts aboutthe epidemic of gun violence that is washing over our country. Facts have a wayof focusing our attention on the real world and not our fantasies, prejudices,or delusions.
So, what I most want to wish for you isthat you will have a fact-based life – a clear-headed, questioning life – as you make your way beyond Foothill College and into our challenging world.