
1. 语法家的主要职责是,从纷繁的语言现象中,发现语言的规律,揭示语言的本质,总结语言的规则,指导语言学习和运用。一句话,语法是研究句子对不对的,它是语言运用的法则。

2. 如果某位语法家总结的某条规则本来就欠缺,或者随着语言的发展而变得不正确了,那么,我们是否有责任去指出错误,纠正错误,更好地为语言应用服务呢?

3. 前面两位老师援引Huddleston 的The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language 上面的观点,认为“名词性关系分句”不可外置,即:what作为“融合型关系代词”引导的从句,不可外置,但由连接代词what引导的名词性从句,可以外置。理由是:“融合型关系代词”what 引导的从句,本质上是一个名词 —— 至多是一个含有定语从句的名词词组。原因是what可以转化为:the thing that; the things that。—— 这就是名词(词组)不可外置的理论依据!

4. 但是,我认为,what可以转化为the thing that; (the) things that,这只是语法家自己一厢情愿的想法,目的是为了让读者知道what的意义和用法。但语言原本并非如此,what引导的毕竟是“名词性从句”这个事实,则是无法改变的。就是说:what有疑问也好,没有疑问也好,它引导的从句完全可以外置。即:

What he said was wrong. (正)

It was wrong what he said. (正)

“先入为主”看待问题,实在不可取。假如你一旦外置了,语法家就用the thing that; the things that 这个不成文的格式,去取代what,从而进行否定。要么说,名词词组“外置”是错误的,要么说,它不是“名词性关系分句”。

5. 语法家还会说:当一个what从句外置时,它肯定不是“名词性关系分句”,而是一个由连接代词what引导的、带有疑问的“间接特殊疑问句”。—— 说的对吗?我不客气地说:这是在狡辩!


6. 现实语言服从语法,还是语法服从现实语言?难道,语言为了服从语法家总结的语法规则,而“削足适履”吗?


一、It is/was wrong what ...(名词性关系分句外置):

1. It was wrong what they were doing and I couldn't stand looking at that.

2. It was wrong, I tell you, wrong what he did to me!

3. It's so wrong what those boys are saying.

4. Yes, it had been wrong what I had done.

5. it's wrong what you're doing which is throwing over all the years of our life together.

6. It's not wrong what we did, Johnny, is it?

7. If you think it's wrong what has been happening to me, then quit punishing me.

8. It's wrong what I did, then?

9. Well, yes, it was morally wrong what Clinton did.

10. you'd be upset if it was wrong what you knew.

11. I've said that it was wrong what the President did.

12. It's -- it's really wrong what they've done.

二、It is/was true what ...(名词性关系分句外置):197例。

1. I just know that it's totally true what you just said.

2. It's true what ' The New York Times ' says tonight.

3. ' Is it true what I heard? '

4. ' Is it true what they say about this place? '

5. ' Is it true what I've been hearing, what I've been reading?

6. It's true what they say. French food is the freshest.

7. It is true what they say about Parisians.

8. So it's true what they say about you, Don Gaetano.

9. I guess it's true what they say.

10. At that moment I hated her, thinking, it's true what they're saying about her.

11. And it rang true what the doctor said.


12. 'It is true what madame says, ' observed Jacques Three. ' Why stop?

“老板娘说得对,” 雅克三号说, “我们干吗要到此为止?”


三、It is/was very clear what ...(名词性关系分句外置):

1. Well, Candidate Trump made it very clear what he wants to see.

2. but the President has made it very clear what his policy is.

3. And it's very clear what he's saying.

4. it's very clear what can be done.

5. but it was very clear what the noise was.

6. We've made very clear what needs to happen.

7.  I'm saying you have to make it very clear what you want.


