






8、不能满足或不明白客人时必须立即道歉, 同时给客人一个解决的建议可主动协助联系解决;绝对不可以将客人当成皮球!




Understanding Etiquette and Manners

Have you ever wondered about the true meaning of etiquette? Do you instantly think of the manners you'll learn in charm school when someone mentions the word?

When many people think about etiquette, the first thing that pops into their minds is knowing which fork to use at a formal dinner or how to shake hands with someone. While those are important things to know, it doesn't get to the foundation of what etiquette really is.

Basic Definition

The word "etiquette" comes from the French word "estique," meaning to attach or stick. The noun "etiquette" describes the requirements of behaviors according to the conventions of society. It includes the proper conduct that is established by a community for various occasions, including ceremonies, court, formal events and everyday life. Although people have become more casual in recent years, etiquette is not outdated.

The short definition at Merriam-Webster.com is "the rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave." The full definition is "the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life."

Essence of Etiquette

Most of the etiquette experts agree that proper etiquette begins by showing respect for others, being honest and trustworthy, putting others at ease, and showing kindness and courtesy to others. Only after that should you focus on the details of specific situations. As Emily Post writes, "Nothing is less important than which fork you use. Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor."

Code of Conduct and Behavior

Etiquette includes having a strong moral code of conduct. The basics include allowing personal space, following the Golden Rule (treat others as you wish to be treated), obeying the 10 Commandments, and respect for elders. All of your actions affect others. For role models, pay attention to celebrities who are gracious and courteous. If a famous person exhibits bad manners, use it as an opportunity to reflect on what the person should have done and discuss it with your children.

Teaching Etiquette and Manners to Children

Good manners and etiquette need to be passed down to the next generation. How can anyone show what they don't know? Children need to be taught good manners, praised when they follow the rules and corrected when they don't. It is a parent's responsibility, but other adults in the children's lives need to cooperate and assist when possible.

Here are some tips on teaching children proper etiquette:

Adult Manners

Children aren't the only ones who need manners lessons. All you have to do is take a look around when you're out in the public to see adults who should know better than to behave the way they do. Chances are, they were taught as children, but unless they've been practicing, they've forgotten the basics of good manners.

Here are some guidelines to refresh what you know or should know about etiquette:

Follow these guidelines for communicating with others:

Things to Consider

Etiquette includes a wide range of behaviors, including kindness, consideration, elegance, style, and decorum. Here are some quick tips to help you with the social graces:

  • Ask yourself if the behavior is kind or generous before engaging in the act.

  • Make sure you are putting others first without putting yourself down.

  • Practice good etiquette so that it comes naturally and from the heart.

  • Since etiquette varies from one society to another and periodically changes, continue to learn the new rules and follow them.

  • Participate in online etiquette classes to practice what you've learned.

  • Good Manners Matter

  • Proper Etiquette Provides a Framework for Civilization

  • Most children are taught manners when they're younger. They learn how to say "please" and "thank you," share their toys, and wait in line. It needs to be consistent throughout life to truly see the benefits, but that can be a challenge when others don't follow the rules.

    With all of the rudeness out there, people often wonder why it's even necessary to learn proper manners. After all, if you're the only polite person in the room, you might get taken advantage of. But that's not the case if you know when and how to stand your ground without creating drama.

    Imagine how insane the world would be if no one had etiquette guidelines to follow. We'd be living among a huge mess of frustrated, selfish, angry people taking what they wanted without regard to others, grossing people out by chewing with their mouths open, toppling pedestal tables by leaning on their elbows during dinner, and the dreaded folks who cut in line. We'd likely see quite a few more fights. Contrary to what you see on TV and in some real-life situations, good manners are not out of style.

    Social Etiquette

    From the moment you wake up to when you go to bed, you need to practice proper social etiquette. This includes how to dress, manners while dining, and showing respect for friends.

    Social manners tips:

    • List of Social Etiquette Guidelines - Comprehensive list of social behavior tips.

    • Be on Time - Respect other people's time and show up when you say you will.

    • 8 Most Common Etiquette Mistakes - Don't do any of these things if you want respect from other people.

    • Etiquette Tips for Women - Be a strong woman and act like a lady.

    • Etiquette Tips for Men - Yes, real men can have good manners.

    • Business Relationship Etiquette - Behave in an appropriate manner involving all business relationships.

    • 10 Quick Etiquette Tips for Getting Ahead in Business - Impress others by following the guidelines for good manners at the office.

    • Interview Etiquette - Get the job of your dreams by behaving properly during the interview. It's essential to show up on time, listen to the interviewer, answer questions, and ask some questions of your own.

    • 7 Handshake Tips - One way to make a good first impression is to do a proper handshake.

    • After a Job Loss - Remain professional at all times, even after you lose your job. It can make the difference between remaining unemployed or finding another position.

    • Cell Phone Etiquette - Be respectful by following proper cell phone etiquette.

    • Proper Way to Complain - You are much more likely to get results if you follow proper etiquette when making complaints.

    • Avoid Gossip - Talking trash about people will backfire later, and you'll earn a reputation that will have people walking a wide berth around you.

    • How to Deal with a Bad Neighbor - One bad neighbor can make your life miserable, but there are some things you can do that might improve the relationship.

    Celebration Etiquette

    When something wonderful happens in your life, go ahead and party hearty. But don't forget your manners. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, wedding, or promotion, there are etiquette guidelines to enhance the experience.

    Celebrate with good manners:

    Family Etiquette

    The people you care most about - your family - deserve to be treated with respect as much as anyone else. Use good manners with them, and you are much more likely to have a happy home life. The bonus is that your children will see proper etiquette in action, and you won't have to lecture as long about minding their manners.

    Family manners guidelines:

    Communications Etiquette

    We all communicate almost everyday. Whether we talk to people in an office or send emails to people we never see, following proper etiquette during any type of communication is essential to a satisfying life.

    Communication manners tips:

    Public Manners

    Don't forget to take your manners with you when you leave the house. As you are out and about on a routine day or while on vacation, you'll have a much more pleasant time if you follow common etiquette guidelines. You may even find that other people are much more willing to cooperate when you show respect through good manners.

    Etiquette tips to follow while out and about:

    Overall Good Manners

    Although you may slip up every once in a while - and you will - being in the habit of exhibiting good manners will benefit you in life. People will be drawn to you, your supervisor will notice, and you'll be a much happier person in the long run.

