校园日记15:A Gastrointestinal Cold

Friday, March 12th. 2021 Cloudy

by Yanyan

Today I didn't feel very well. When I got up, I felt a slight and constant pain in my stomach. After the math class, I broke a touch of diarrhea, and I feel dizzy.

My classmates accompanied me to the school clinic. The nurse took my temperature and said I had a fever. After going to the big hospital for a further examination, the doctor said I had a gastrointestinal cold and asked me to take some medicine to reduce my fever.

The fever has gone down slowly and I feel better soon. What a bad day! I hope other students can take good care of their bodies. Exercise more, sleep more and pay attention to their diet to keep a healthy life.

Louie says:

Gastrointestinal cold mainly refers to gastroenteritis and gastrointestinal infection often occurs as symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and sometimes with fever. It's caused by viruses.

Therefore, we should exercise more, eat a balanced diet and improve our immunity. Please take good care of yourself so that you can concentrate on your study and school life.

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